009. Night walks

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      Mia sat in her hammock, tears filled her eyes as she silently started to cry, she did want to wake anyone up. so she walked towards a tree, far away from the hammocks. Burying her face into her knees, tears now streaming down her face like a waterfall, she wished she could leave, explore the world, She wished to be truly happy, Both just for small moments, but forever, not to feel empty whenever she was alone, so she cried it out, crying was better then nothing, but it only made her feel better when she was away from everyone.

"Mia?" Someone asked groggily, rubbing their eyes, The girl sprang to her feet, wiping the tears away. "You alright, Love?" The boy walked closer.
At this point she could tell it was Newt, "Uhm, yeah, yeah, just taking a Night walk" said the girl, her voice cracking at least 3 times. he walks even closer, the night sky lights, barley stinging enough to see mia's face "You're all red, you were crying? What happend?" His thumb rubbing over her hot cheek, wiping away small tears, that slid from her eyes, as he brought her into a hug, "Its nothing, just nightmares" She lied "You sure?" He asked, Mia let go of the soft hug, and was now standing right infront of him, she had to look up, straining her neck. "Yeah, just pretty bad, but uh, sorry if i woke you up, i'll just go back to sleep.." She looked down, her voice trailing off at the end. "You're all good to sleep alone?" He asks before she walks too far "Not really, but i'll try" she laughs, it was empty hearted but it didn't matter, "Come" He grabbed her hand, and started pulling her along, and up the steps of the homestead, where his room, as the second in command, was. "Newt come on" She sighed, "Thid is sweet but i'm fine!, I don't want to bother you" She tried walking out, only to be gently pulled back by her hand. "you're not bothering me, love, i won't sleep knowing you're alone, and upset" he cocks his head at her, before she agrees. "Fine, thank you" She gratefully says, before both her and newt make their way to the queen sized mattress, Sure it was thin, but it was better then the hammocks, Mia didn't know how her back still functioned after sleeping like that for over a year and a half. Mia layed at the very end of the bed, trying to give Newt as much room as possible, "Mia, why are you so far, you're about to fall off the bed" He asked quietly. "I want you to have room" She tucked some hair behind her ear, "Come over here" He simply said as mia scooted over, he didn't hesitate to interlock their fingers once again, and scoot closer, making sure mia felt safe, "Bloody hell mia, you're freezing"
He laughed "Sorry! I'm just always like that" She giggled along with him "Don't worry, i'll warm you up" He brought his free arm around the girl, as he rubbed her upper arm, She slowly fell asleep, she wasn't cold this time, she was warm.


Today was a day the runners were off, which meant Minho was in the glade all day, when she awoke she expected to be in her hammock, But there she was not, Mia was tucked into Newt's shoulder, their hands still intertwined, and his other hand flung across her shoulder, her head was in the crook of his neck, and his chin resting softly on top of her head. His steady breaths reassured her, and she was glad to have someone with her, But when she realized what position they were in she started getting all jittery, she was like a middle school girl, when the boy they like walks by them, god, why was she freaking out, this was normal, just two friends cuddling, totally! Nope, Thid was not normal, Mia had never felt like this for her friends before, Like ever. Thid was new, and she just now was realizing how long she had been feeling like this, every time Newt held her hand, even before they were friends, she always admired him, yes he was attractive, but no, mia wasn't in love with him! Wait, Mia, No one said you were in love with him. Well Maybe she was, Oh gosh, mia was in love with one of her best friends.


It was lunch time, and Mia was going to sit  at a table with a few people, including, Fry, Minho, Chuck, and thomas, No newt, She normally sit with alby, but he was still in the med-jack hut, still sick. Mia walked over to the table, with a trey of food. Announcing something before she sat. "Guys, i have a problem" She sighed "what's wrong?" Chuck asked concerned "I think i'm in love with newt" Mia slammed the trey in the table, before looking up at the boys for their reactions "We know" All of them said in unison, all in different tones "What?! How did you know!" She asks panicking. The group of boys turned to eachother, and just burst out laughing "Guys! This isn't funny, I'm going through a crisis!!" She slammed her fists on the table, before lousily sitting down, throwing her head into her hands. "Don't worry, Newts too oblivious to notice" Minho laughed at his own comment "What do i do?" Mia asked, hiding her now red face, in her hands still. "Not much, But you can-" Chuck got cut off by a familiar british voice joining "Hey guys!" he said placing his trey down next to mia, and sliding next to her, Everyone stayed silent "What are we talking about?" he asked innocently.

Newt stared at Mia like she was crazy, "Those are two very different answers" He laughed "I was talking about hippos, by myself.." Mia answered, she was nervous, and panicking heavily, for what reason, None. After that everyone went back to eating their food, talking amongst themselves, Mia staying silent, and Newt taking occasional glances at the girl. Minho tapped mia's leg under the table, Like 5 times. She didn't know why, and she wasn't going to ask, until later. So once she finished her food, she got up, and put her trey in the kitchen, And caught yo to Minho, who was walking already walking away "Minho! wait up!" She jogged up to the boy "Hey" he shad walking  very fast pace.

"So what was the leg talking about?" Mia asked "Did you not see?" Ashe answered with another question "No, see what?"  "Your lover boy, i tapped your leg, everytime he looked at you, when you weren't laying attention" Minho chuckled, Mia's face turning red, "Calm down curls, He obviously likes you" Minho laughed again. "No we don't know that, and i'm not taking my chances" Mia talked fast now, She did that, whenever she was nervous "Really? if he doesn't like you, then where were u last night?" Minho came to a sudden halt and stared at the girl, "In his room.." she said under her breath "Mhm! and that my little friend, is how you know, Newt doesn't let anybody into his room, not even me!" Minho finnaly continues walking. "Well that doesn't prove anything! He was just trying to be nice"
"Believe what you want curls! deep down you down in right!" He runs away "Hey!" At this point Mia gives up, and just walks towards The med-jack hut again.


Such cuties! Two chapters one day, you guys are lucky, I'm so tired guys, i can't anymore, sigh. Anyways you know the drill, follow my tiktok @Sangsters.lvr
and have a good day
-Xo Ellie

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