Chapter 10

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POV: Bree

I was at my tipping point.

The wedding.

Liv's return...

And now Henry's departure?

It had thrown me for a loop and was making me spiral.


I needed out or- or at least a break.

Being torn in so many directions was wearing me down physically and mentally.

I also felt guilty.

Liv coming back so soon wasn't planned. She had been injured. Although her injuries weren't life threatening, she was medically discharged after she had recovered in Germany. It hurt to know Liv was having a hard time where she was in reach, but not being able to do anything. Knowing that had had me feeling like a dagger had pierced her heart. The incident at the boutique put that into perspective for me.

Infuriating was to tame of a word, it could not cover how I felt about her current situation.

As if my mind had been read, I got an email about an exhibit I had been dying to go to that was in Santa Fe.

"Meow Wolf." Bree said chuckling at the funny name as she continued to read about the art experience.

Maybe this is what I needed...

A weekend trip to Santa Fe had never seemed like a better idea.

Another notification popped up on my phone and this time it was Liv instead of that asshat.

Liv: Did you get home ok?

I smiled at the text from Liv.

I felt warm.

That same warm feeling spread through my entire body and pooled in my belly.

I basked in the feeling until...

Inspiration struck!

I could bring Liv with me and we could spend the whole weekend catching up, spending time together, or whatever else we wanted to in Santa Fe. It's not like Liv has a lot going on here and I was sure she could get Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez to agree.

Bree: I did

Bree: Thanks for asking.

Bree: Also, while I have you... can I get your opinion on something?

Liv: Ok...

Bree: What do you think about a weekend trip to Santa Fe?

Bree: Just the two of us?

A few moments passed and I thought Liv had left me on read until my phone chimed again.

Liv: I'm in

My smile couldn't have been any bigger and for the first time in a while I was actually looking forward to something.


Santa Fe was a good two hours away from Red River. It was definitely a trek, but it was oh so worth it.

Time away to reset my brain.

Spending time with Liv and seeing some cool art sounded like the perfect weekend. I planned everything out meticulously. My OCD brain wanted perfection and my body responded accordingly.

My raison d'etre if you will.

"This was a good idea, Bree. One of your best that's for sure." Liv said.

And I had to agree.

It seemed too perfect to pass up.

With Liv here and Henry... gone it seemed like the decision was a no brainer.

"I just needed a break." I said with a sigh. "Everything seemed to line up perfectly like it was some kind of sign."

With the windows rolled down my hair fluttered in the wind as they drove the 68 S.

"How about we just try to forget about everything and enjoy the weekend for what it is?" Liv suggested from the passenger seat.

That... sounded very appealing.

At the rate I was going, sooner rather than later something was going to give. One weekend wouldn't kill her or her plans, she was the master planner after all.

"Deal." Bree said with a smirk.

Two hours later they finally made it to where they would be staying for the weekend.

I hadn't skimped out on the accommodations.

La Fonda On the Plaza was the number one rated hotel on most sites I had perused when planning this trip. I wanted to enjoy this weekend in its entirety. I wanted to be comfortable.

Well, I certainly went all out...

Stepping into the lobby I stared at the beautiful mix of history and modern flare. It definitely screamed New Mexico. I much preferred this take on luxury. Modern styles always felt too bleak and bland. I never understood this generation's obsessiveness with making everything modern. Ruining things that were truly marvelous and replacing it with dreary design.

"This is fucking awesome Bree!" Liv said as her eyes scanned the lobby.

I nodded in agreement.

"Right? I figured coming here would be better than some boring chain hotel." I said.

We continued to walk until they got to the check-in desk.

The woman was friendly enough and we promptly got our keys to the room. I specifically asked for multiple in case we lost it. I decided one room was enough since I booked one of the suites. Luck was on my side when I booked it. It was already short notice, but someone else cancelled, which allotted us the opportunity to get the room.

Our journey to the room was short lived and we arrived rather quickly.

We were looking forward to seeing the room.

"Wow! This is even better than the photos!" I said, my face full of awe.

It really was.

The colors popped more and the room felt homey in a good way.

I had an amazing feeling that this trip would do her wonders.

I also hoped it would help close that gap that was currently looming over me and Liv. It was getting harder to decipher Liv's wellbeing the longer she was home. The one incident I saw Liv at her most vulnerable was the last time I had seen any real negative emotion from her. She had gotten good at hiding how she was feeling and...

I did not like it one bit.

It meant I was failing.


Hopefully that would change in these next two days.

"Ready to hit the town?" I said as I spun around in place to face Liv with a cheeky grin.

I couldn't have been any giddier even if I wanted to be.

Anticipation rolled through my body.

I loved art. It was my sole passion that had consumed me in her younger years. Unfortunately, I wasn't good enough to break out into the art world, but the passion for it was still in my heart. This art exhibit was one in a long list that I wanted to visit if I ever got the chance.

Pulling up to the building it didn't look spectacular with its white exterior and neon sign plastered on the front.

"Meow Wolf?" Liv said trying to stifle a laugh but failing miserably.

I also thought the name was a little silly. I looked on their website to see where the name originated from and the answer was a little underwhelming. They literally drew random names from a hat!

"Come on! This is going to be fun!"

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