Chapter 7

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POV: Olivia

I had no fucking clue what I was looking for or at and it was making her head spin.

Dresses, suits, pantsuits, flowery gowns — it was all quite intimidating. Being in the army gave me no sense for fashion. All unflattering gear that was made to be practical. I was still a little horrified when I got her first pair of underwear. They looked like they were made for my grandma and had the same appealing color of diarrhea - they called them 'brown thunders'.

I was wondering if all this hoopla was warranted for a wedding. Granted, I'd never been a part of one before...

I stopped mid thought as I was sorting through the pieces of clothing on the rack.

There were a lot of things I hadn't done.

Being dedicated to my career path and envisioning myself as a leader for others to rely on was what made me determined to keep pushing forward. That doesn't mean I never had any regrets. Standing in this boutique helping pick out clothing for my best friend's wedding – who I am still in love with – was my biggest regret of all. Not telling Bree about my feelings, at least before I left for the army, was the dumbest decision I had ever made.

Izzy had sidled up beside me and was also looking through the ever-expanding choices in front of us.

"Dios mío, ¿cómo puede alguien elegir algo si hay tantas opciones?" I whispered as I shook my head.

(My god how does anyone ever choose anything if there are this many choices?)

My little sister poked me in the ribs and was slyly smirking, roaming her eyes over the more feminine clothes. She passed one that hard so many frills it made my head spin.

I narrowed my eyes at Izzy.

I didn't like that look in her eyes.

I didn't like it at all.

"So? Are you going to wear a dress?" Isabella said cheekily.

I scoffed and shook my head, disgusted at the notion I'd be stuck in such feminine looking dresses. Mind you, there was nothing wrong with the dresses. They all looked amazing, but it just was not my style. I could already picture in my mind the squad teasing me if I ever dared to put any of these on.

"Fuck. No." I replied.

A short, terse response that summed up all of my feelings on the matter.

All I could hear from my sister was snickering.

Rolling my eyes, I tried to move on in the selection, looking for suits that would be nice to wear in line with Bree's 'grand design'.

Behind me on the other side of the store were Bree and some of her inner circle talking loudly about the nitty-gritty details. Bree seemed to be going a million miles a minute. It made me wonder what idiot thought that a couple months would be enough to plan an entire wedding. No doubt Henry's genius idea. Bree was a planner. Almost borderline psychotic, needing to have everything in its set place. Once upon a time Bree had called herself "detail oriented", but it was to the extreme.

A loud noise had me snapping my head at the source.

Today had not been a good day for me. I had already felt off and was trying my best to trudge through the day with my teeth gritting every minute. Loud noises - especially on a day like this - were liable to be a trigger.

Even with all this distance, Bree must've noticed something was wrong.

"Liv?" Bree called out to me, sounding mildly concerned.

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