Chapter 17

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POV: Bree

"Can we just focus on you for now? I want you to get better. There are a lot of other things I want too, but that? Making you better is my first priority right now. So eat and rest. Get better and then we can have a serious talk." Olivia honestly said, her voice firm and resolute.

My eyes darted up to hers briefly then back down to the bowl.

I couldn't believe what she was suggesting.


I was happy inside that she wanted to forgive me and give me another chance.

"Okay..." I answered softly.

Liv's moms soup was so good.

I almost wanted to moan as the soothing warmth of the broth hit my throat and made it feel better almost instantly. Every so often I would flick my eyes upwards to see Liv looking at me and I knew she wanted me to finish the entire thing.

"I know you, Bree. You haven't eaten, so eat." Liv said, guessing my thoughts like a mind reader.

I grumbled and sniffed a bit, but did as Liv asked until all the soup was gone.

I was flustered, sick, and ashamed all in one.

Liv and I sat in silence as I thought of what to say.

She said we could talk when I was better, but I wanted to get everything off my chest now. She knows I'm a stubborn woman, so I'm sure once I get going she will lament to my wishes.

"Liv..." I started to say.

"Bree, I told you we don't have to talk about what happened..." Olivia started to say, but I held my hand up.

"No, I... I need to get this off my chest. I... I was... jealous." I whisper, my voice still rough, but now it sounded small in the apartment.

"Jealous? Why?" Olivia asked, confusion spread across her face, eyes narrowed.

I sighed.

"I... I didn't think you would get anyone this fast and I had just gotten you back. I was jealous and angry at Taylor for stealing you away from me..." I explained.

Well, I'm not lying...

That's part of the truth...

"Dios mío... ¡Tú eres el que quería que fuera amigable con ella!" Olivia huffed, slipping into Spanish because I can see she's getting frustrated, but I understood enough of that to know what she said.

(My god... You're the one who wanted me to be friendly with her!)

"I know... I know! I just didn't expect you to be that friendly with her." I grumbled.

Olivia groaned.

"I'm not that friendly with her. The only reason I talked to her was because everytime I glanced in your direction I felt the chill of Antarctica coming from you and your glare." Olivia said as she threw up her hands.

"I just wanted my best friend back..." I whispered.

I wanted the woman I loved back...

"But I'm here Bree. I've been here since I've been back. I'm so sorry I left, but I've been trying my fucking hardest to make it up to you. All I want is for you to be happy. Every second of every day I hope that you are the happiest you've ever been and are living your best life." Olivia ranted.

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