𝕹𝖔𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖊𝖘𝖙

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As it turns out, the Seven Realms weren't exactly ecstatic at the idea of your child, at least not all of them. You've found that those who supported Rhaenyra's claim and continued to do so, did not mind so much. In fact, they were excited about the line of succession strengthening, and happy for their Prince and Princess. Their excitement was a reminder that this child would sit the Iron Throne one day, at least if the Gods were willing, or more so if the Realms were willing. However, on the other side of things, those who still believed Aegon, despite his drunkenness and his lack of desire, should sit the throne were not so excited. These people still line King's Landing, the Red Keep, and all of the Seven Realm's. Bigotry does not die when opposed, it only grows when challenged. These people spit words about dirtying the bloodline, the word bastards. These words were spoken about your baby. Despite you and Jacaerys being married, and him being a Targaryen, they would find any excuse to take Rhaenyra's claim. The pregnancy meant that you were the newest target. It was these people, these traitors to the throne, they were who caused the worry for the babe growing inside of you.

Now that you knew about the baby, and you could feel the growth, with your skin stretching around the newest growth, you were panicked about the baby's wellbeing. If you went back and counted, which you had, the baby was conceived over three moon cycles ago. Now, you could see the slightest changes in your body, the rounding of your stomach, the swelling of your breasts. You could see the change in every inch of your body, yet if you wore something just a size higher than normal, no one else would even know, perhaps just assuming you'd gained weight. The maester guessed you were just over a third of the way through the pregnancy. The baby was not detected until later, and with it being weeks after the initial announcement, it was becoming increasingly obvious you were pregnant. This caused you to finally announce it to the Realm, it could no longer be kept a secret. Now that you could feel the baby, now that you loved them, it was terrifying to think that these people were targeting something so small.

What terrified you even more, was the need to protect the baby that you constantly felt. When you found out you were pregnant you were terrified. You wanted nothing more than to rip the child from your womb and be done with it. Now though, as you sat in a counsel meeting, you couldn't help but rest a hand on the roundness of your belly, wanting to protect the child from a world that already hated them. In the weeks it had been since you found out, you'd grown to love the thing, knowing it was becoming a baby, your baby. A baby you'd hold in your arms, and love. A baby that you'd raise into a person alongside your husband.

He seemed just as in love with the baby as you were. When you slept, his hand rested around your stomach. When you went to sleep he told the both of you goodnight. When you threw up, something you were told was normal, he'd rub your back, whispering words of encouragement. When you'd spotted blood in your underwear, he remained calm, taking you to the maester. And when they assured you it was normal, he'd shed tears of relief alongside of you. He'd been nothing but loving and doting. It was everything you'd never dared to dream of.

That had been an adjustment, Jace sleeping in your room with you now. That, and the two of you spending more time together again. You had before, before your fight, and you'd returned to it. It was like puzzle pieces coming together, better together, complete together. In truth, sleep came easier at the side of your husband, and when you awoke vomiting he was there to wipe your tears and bring you tea. Not much had changed truly, it's like you went back to before the fight, spending time reading, less time training now with the baby, times in meetings, and visits with Vermax. All of it went back to how it was when you'd been friends, but with more kissing... and communicating, now. It was the adjusted, the healthy, and romantic version of what you'd been before the disaster that was the fight. The words I love you fell from both your mouths often now, finally feeling free to express your love.

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