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It was only a single day and night after her death that the boat to take Lillith's body home was set to sail. You planned to leave two days after it set sail. You'd still be beating the boat on the back of Vermax with Jace. Despite the suddenness of it all, you were determined to have Wylde's head while Lillith's body was still in King's Landing. She was dead, it didn't matter to her, but it mattered to you. It was the principle of it all. Others didn't seem to share your same ideals.

These people included your sister. Rhaenyra sighed, head in her hands, "We want to interrogate him longer. When you return you can have his head and mount it to your wall, do whatever you like then. I do not care. You just have to wait."

You shook your head profusely, "I want his head before she's gone," you insisted, not budging on the subject .

She groaned, throwing her hands up, "How much longer shall we argue about this?"

You smirked, "Until you agree with me?"

"What if we can get more information?" She argued.

You rolled your eyes, tired of the same points over and over, "We know he was working with the Triarchy. He hired Ser Arryk, who killed Aren before the assassin even walked up to our room. He hired the server to give the group a tip. He wanted revenge for killing Strong and you taking the throne. What more do you desire? He was a power hungry cunt, problem solved."

She sighed heavily, "I do not know. Perhaps, you are right. I just do not want to think that a man so loyal to Father would betray me so."

"He was not loyal to Father," you insisted, she looked to you, confused, so you explained, "Any man who does not bend the knee to you is not loyal to our father. His wish was to see you on the throne, they insult him by arguing otherwise. You're an extension of him, the same way I'm an extension of my mother. Our Father's wish was always to have you on the throne, and even during his last breath it's all he wanted. By not following that, he's betrayed our father."

She smiled, nodding, seemingly relieved by the sentiment, "We can expedite the execution," you grinned, "Perhaps you'll wield Blackfyre?"

You appreciated the offer, "Thank you sister," you nodded, standing.

"They'll call me evil for the amount of executions during my first year," she said, standing, following behind you.

You nodded, knowing it was true, "Your first year has been bloody, but no one can blame you when rats and snakes run amuck in the Keep. From now on, you'll be a kind Queen. The perfect mix of Alysanne and Aegon the Conqueror even."

She snorted, smiling while shaking her head "Those are big names to live up to."

You grinned back at her, "Yes, and you'll make your own name too sister. The first Queen of the Seven Realms. When reading of you, no one will care how many traitors you executed to do it. Not when they were all disgusting creatures anyway, and they are," you sneered.

"I suppose we'll just have to pray history writes us kindly then," she said, "I'll fetch you the sword," she added, a small grin on her face, the kind only a Targaryen could wield without looking absolutley insane, violet eyes sparkling with the thought of violence.

This time the execution would not be public. His death would be known of course, all throygh King's Landing and then the rest of the Realms, but there was no need for any more useless acts of public violence. Rhaenyra was no Maegor the Cruel, but a man plotting to kill a pregnant Princess, who killed a member of the Queen's guard, and a maid-hand had to be punished. A man like that had to be executed. Luckily for you, it would be by your hand and you sister's sword to do it.

THE BASTARD QUEEN (Jacaerys Velaryon)Where stories live. Discover now