Chapter 9- The Alternate Spider-Man?

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()= Thinking/ Replacing

*= Actions

""= Phone

/= Whispers

--= Narrator

~~= Timeskip

Shiori POV:

I slowly awoke to Darren staring right into my eyes.

I slowly awoke to Darren staring right into my eyes

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Shiori: Huh?

I stared at Darren who was grinning at me.

Darren: You're finally awake, Shi-Chan. So who are you right now? Sukuna or Shi-Chan?

I stared around me, lanterns and white papers everywhere. I quickly stared at the chair I was tied to before trying to struggle.

Shiori: I'm Shiori and Shiori Itsuka, your birthday is September 24th, your perfect type of girl is one who works hard and has a nice personality. 

I saw Darren grin even larger before I tried to struggle again. I quickly remembered what happened to Tobiichi as I struggled harder.

Shiori: Tobiichi?! WHERE IS TOBIICHI?!

Darren: I don't think you are in any position to worry about anyone but yourself right now, Shi-Chan.

Shiori: What's going on?! Where even are we?

Darren: We're in Fraxinus, this is where you'll be held for now, I tried my best to make this room full of seals too.

I kept on trying to struggle before Darren just sighed at me.

Darren: Hey, don't move so much, worst-case scenario, you might trigger one of the seals and explode on the spot.

I immediately stopped struggling before staring at Darren in the eyes.

Darren: Well, with that out of the way, this is what will happen, Shi-Chan.

Darren spun his fingers for dramatic effects.

Darren: You're, getting executed!

Shiori: The story doesn't make any sense so far.

Darren: Hey, I did my best. The execution is still on, but I got your sentence suspended. It took a lot of convincing on my side to get this done. Those old farts were annoying as hell on this one. Come on get happy, Shi-Chan!

Shiori: A suspended sentence? Do you mean it's on hold for now, Darren?

Darren stopped his playful demeanour before staring at the floor.

Darren: Well, it's better than being executed immediately, right?

I sighed before staring at Darren right in the face.

Darren: Let me explain the situation to you immediately, Shi-Chan.

Darren showed me the picture of the finger I swallowed.

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