Silhouettes of a Heavy Heart

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TW: Depression, Anxiety, Family conflict, Academic pressure, Mental illness, sh [self harm], Suicidal thoughts, Emotional abuse

(Within these verses, a tale unfolds of agony and cries. The place once cherished as home is now but a mere house. Those meant to cradle you in your darkest hours do nothing but shout, at you and at each other. Here, you find yourself compelled to console, yet never consoled. The very essence of safety has shifted. If, dear reader, you find echoes of your own heart in these lines, know this: you are enough. It is okay to rest. You deserve better than this.)

In the shadows, I'm so weary,

Disappointment shadows my mom's teary eyes,

Dad's anger, a constant thunder,

Sister's tears, a rain I can't dry.

Grades slip through my grasp,

No matter the struggle, no matter the try,

Sickness clings, a relentless chain,

Breathing, eating, living—each breath a sigh.

Exhaustion, a weight I can't bear,

Life's burden, a cruel, unyielding tide,

I dream of freedom, a final step,

A release where my pain can't hide.

In every waking moment, I'm sinking,

Drowning in waves of despair,

Each heartbeat, a hollow echo,

Life's unfairness, more than I can bear.

The mirror shows a face I don't know,

Eyes haunted by endless strife,

Dreams crumbled to dust,

Hope, a distant, forgotten light.

Friends see a mask, never the truth,

A smile hiding endless night,

Conversations empty, meaningless,

No comfort in their sight.

Each day, a battle lost,

Each night, a silent cry,

The weight of expectations,

A mountain I can't climb.

I long for silence, for peace,

An escape from this endless fight,

A place where pain can't follow,

Where darkness turns to light.

Maybe a few will mourn,

Their sorrow, a fleeting storm,

But they'll heal, move on,

While my agony is no more.

I almost wish for the unbearable,

For pain too loud to ignore,

To give my father one last reason,

To hate me, but hurt no more.

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