Shields and scars

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TW: Emotional distress, verbal conflict, family tension

(In this world, few hold my heart as she does—my sister, a beacon amid the chaos. She is the thread that keeps me tethered, despite the relentless ache within. When the tempest of our parents' anger rages, she finds refuge in me. As the elder, it is my mantle to bear. Yet, in my moments of quiet despair, I know she will not be the haven for me that I strive to be for her.)

I'll be your shield, your safe haven,

Let them direct their ire at me, I'll bear the weight.

So you can breathe easy and sleep in peace,

In the sanctuary of my unwavering care.

But why do you unleash your anger on me?

Hurling hurtful words and harshest names,

When all I do is protect you,

Sacrificing my own joy for your well-being.

I've stood firm through storms and trials,

Offering solace, absorbing the pain.

Yet your harsh words cut deeper than any wound,

Leaving scars unseen, a heart strained.

I carry your burdens, your fears, your doubt,

Striving to keep your world intact.

But in the shadows of your scorn,

I feel my strength begin to crack.

Every sacrifice made with love,

Every smile hiding the toll it takes.

Yet the gratitude I hope to find,

Is replaced with anger that makes me ache.

I yearn for moments of mutual peace,

For understanding to bridge the divide.

To be seen not just as your shield,

But as a soul standing by your side.

So tell me why the anger flows,

Why your words are sharp and cold?

When all I seek is to protect,

And offer a love that's bold.

In the end, we are stronger together,

A bond that should not be torn.

Let's mend the rift and find our way,

To a love that both can adorn.

Sister, why can't we just be there for each other,

In this chaotic household mess?

Supporting and understanding,

Finding peace in shared duress?

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