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_________________________________________she couldn't sleep at night

not anymore.

February 20th, 2023

IVANNA DIDNT SLEEP THAT NIGHT, I mean how could she?

Her mind ridden with thoughts no one wants to ever think, that they aren't good enough, that they deserved it. Ivanna's emotions were going up and down all night, but none of them were tiredness.

Anger. Sadness. hope.

They all led back to one thing, Timothée Chalamet.

Ivanna has written at least ten songs, dyed her hair, done different makeup, and tried different genres.

She wanted to change herself, not because she hated what she saw or that what she saw reminded her of Timothée, but because she wanted to change.

Ivanna wanted something different, something that would help her get through the hard times. And she did.

February 21st, 2023

IVANNA DECIDED SHE WANTED TO RELEASE SOME OF the songs she had made during her fit of emotions.

Four in particular she wanted to put together as an E.P.

' i bet on losing dogs', ' champagne problems', ' I hate it here', and finally, ' i love you '.

Ivanna had briefly contacted her team to tell them she had new songs that she was planning on releasing, and to her surprised they just told her to do it. Not asking what they were about, how they sounded or to listen to them. They trusted her, and they knew she needed to let herself free to cope from the no doubt hard place she found herself in.

The Russian singer-songwriter wanted to do everything in Russia, the photoshoot, the recording. So she did.

She wanted to do it in a place where she was comfortable, where she didn't have to worry about being seen as paparazzi weren't really allowed in Russia, it being such a conservative place, no one really cared about anyone.

So there she was alone in a studio she rented out, getting ready to release and produce her new e.p, 'angels fall'.

No one in the whole world knew what she was doing and something inside of her thoroughly enjoyed that, having something to herself that she could cherish. Having the true meanings of her songs close to her heart, something that she would never tell.

As the clock hit 12:00 am, Ivanna posted her music on all streaming platforms, and turned off the lights in the studio. Walking out without a second thought.


New Instagram post from ivannasokolova

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