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____________________________________________ " I can't get away from you

get out, go away, leave me alone."

February 29th, 2023

IVANNA WAS WALKING THE COLD FEBRUARY STREETS OF MOSCOW. Despite it being very early in the morning, lots of people were already out whether they were walking or driving to work, or just enjoying the cold scenery; much like what Ivanna was doing.

It had been a week since Ivanna has cried about the situation she found herself in, and to be honest she didn't feel any better.

The pain of seeing him with someone else was getting easier to deal with but the pain never left. Ivanna didn't know if it ever would.

It felt like this endless pit of misery that she couldn't climb out of, the walls were flattened down so much that every time she tried to pull herself out she fell from the slippery edges, falling to cold cement flooring. Unable to pick herself up after falling so many times.

As she continued to walk, she turned into one of her favorite cafes that happened to be just a couple minutes from her house, she sat down and waited for a waitress to take her order.

Staring out at the snow falling slowly from the cloudy sky, Ivanna continued to dive deeper into her thoughts not noticing the waitress standing infront of her table.

"Excuse me?" The waitress says in Russian, taping her pen against a notepad impatiently.

Turning around startled, Ivanna starts to order at the sight of her. "A hot chocolate and a...... croissant".

The waitress nodded abruptly and spun on her heal, her high-ponytail swinging side to side as she walked away and found herself behind the counter.

Ivanna tapped the fingers of her right hand on the table in a repeating rhythm, staring at passer byers shivering in the cold.

The waitress soon came back and in turn Ivanna gave her a tight lipped smile and a Curt nod in which was returned.

Wrapping her fingers around the mug, Ivanna didn't wait for it to cool down and drunk the burning hot substance. Finding the way it burned down her throat oddly comforting.

Continuing to people watch, she didn't notice the time pass by until her phone that she just started to carry around with her again, started to ring quietly.

Huffing out in annoyance, Ivanna reached into her black purse and pulled out her matching black phone.

' Fia' It read across the screen.

Ivanna had briefly talked to Sofia Carson; her best friend throughout the past few weeks. The simple texts of 'how are you' every now and then, but other than that, they had barely spoken since Ivanna's escape to her home country.

Deep down in a place Ivanna would never let anyone other than people close to her see, she felt guilty about shutting out her best friend, but it was the way she coped and Sofia knew that.

Sighing once again, Ivanna answered the call and put it up to her ear, waiting for her friends voice to be heard through the device she hated using.

Sofia audibly sighed in relief that Ivanna answered her phone call finally.

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