Chapter four

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As of this morning, Lucy was already a crying mess at 6am. Her pants wouldn't zip up properly and every time she had been close, it just popped back open.

She was so close to calling in sick, but she had been looking forward to today as she was helping Nyla and Angela with a case. At least her feet would be able to rest.

Lucy was 20 weeks today, with the fact that her baby kept growing more - her bump became larger as well.

4 more months left.

The nausea eased - but that period of celebration was short lived as her baby decided to begin doing gymnastics on her bladder more frequently.

It was getting harder to hide, her moodiness becoming difficult to mask.

At this point she needed a new wardrobe, everything becoming tighter and more uncomfortable - especially her bras.

Half of her closet was littered across the floor, she assessed the mess before deciding she could deal with it after work.

Deciding on a long, flowy skirt with a slightly oversized cardigan, Lucy could finally head out.

Today was going to be a long day.

Lucy took a seat between the two detectives on their desk, listening to the brief overview of the case.

The case was fairly simple, a murder with multiple suspects - who were yet to be interrogated.

Angela was 8 months pregnant, due for maternity leave soon as Sargent Grey practically had to force her to go home. She rarely ever left her desk unless it was a serious emergency - in which case it never was.

Lucy finally understood Angela's struggle, although she wasn't as pregnant as Angela yet. She wondered how Angela did it, Lucy wanted nothing more than to stay in bed all day.

Her baby had been relentless all morning, doing jumping jacks on her bladder. Lucy was in the process of looking over one of the suspects file's when she had to go pee again for what felt like the 5th time today.

She groaned as she steadied herself, her feet aching from all the sudden pressure.

What she didn't notice, was the looks Angela and Nyla gave her as she walked towards the bathroom.

Angela turned to Nyla, sporting a knowing grin. "You don't think-"

"Oh, I know all the symptoms when I see them."

"She really tried to hide a pregnancy, in front of Mid Wilshires best detectives?" Angela leaned back in her chair, caressing her bump.

"But when did it happen? Maybe-"

Nyla was cut off as Lucy plopped back into her chair, letting out a frustrated sigh.

Lucy immediately noticed how the pair went quiet as she approached, glaring at their poker faces. She wondered what they discussed that was so important Lucy couldn't even know.

Lucy returned to her suspect file and the silence continued but she swore occasionally she felt a pair of eyes on her.

Angela broke the silence by complaining about how the baby wouldn't stay still and that she needed help getting up. Lucy knew what she meant by that. Together, her and Nyla helped Angela off of her chair and watched her as she waddled towards the restroom.

Lucy wondered if she would be like that when she was as far along as Angela, or if she would even be at work then.

She caught Nyla's gaze and realised the other woman had been staring at her. Strange.

"What?" Lucy asked.

"Hm?" she questioned. Nyla changed her focus, pretending not to know what Lucy was talking about.

Angela returned and no further words were said, it was tipping towards the end of their shifts so Lucy didn't think too much about it. All she wanted was to go home and lay down in her bed after a long, hot shower.

Lucy actually really enjoyed helping out Nyla and Angela today, she didn't have to stress about whether she would injure her or her baby unlike on patrol.

She felt like becoming a detective would be a safe path for her future, as she was also interested in it.

For now, she would stay on patrol and see where the future leads her.

Lucy was so distracted by her thoughts, she failed to notice the two other people in the locker room as she began to get changed out of her uniform.

Usually before she changed, Lucy would scan the room for eyes as she didn't want to give away her secret just yet. Today, she was so caught up in seeing her baby bump push against her white undershirt - she didn't even think about the possibility that anyone could be watching her.

Lucy groaned as it dawned on her that she would need to buy a new uniform soon - possibly a maternity one.

Angela and Nyla peered around the corner as Lucy seemed to be in her own little world, the undeniable baby bump visible to them.

They both smirked at each other as their suspicions were confirmed.

Noah stood near the front desk, waiting for Lucy to finish her shift so that they could catch up. He hadn't told her he was coming, it was meant to be a surprise.

Lucy was definitely surprised to say the least, judging by the way she had ran into his arms.

He had been one of her closest friends at UC school, and the first one to know about her pregnancy.

"Noah! I didn't expect to see you here. How are you?" Lucy beamed.

They talked for a bit before remembering they were still in the lobby of the station, Lucy invited him over to catch up and he agreed.

Tim had just gotten back from patrol, getting Aaron to place the warbags away while he headed towards the middle of the bullpen.

His head turned towards the direction of a surprised gasp, fully regretting his decision once he saw who it was.

Lucy. In an unknown man's arms.

He watched their interaction unfold, their hushed voices and smiles. His jaw clenched as his eyes practically shooting daggers at them.

Tim watched as Lucy left with the man, wondering who he was and why Lucy was hugging him. When he told her to move on that night, he didn't think about the fact that she might've taken it literally.

He didn't want her to move on from him. He wanted her to move on in her career.

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