Chapter seven

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Maternity leave had been a well deserved break, at 35 weeks pregnant Lucy was beginning to second guess all of her life decisions.

Including her current position, feet propped up on the sofa armrest eating a bowl of grapes while bingeing food porn, desperately trying to relieve some of the pain in her swollen ankles.

The ring of her phone startled her, causing Lucy to jolt upright - dropping her phone on the floor in the process. Lucy groaned as she couldn't bend over but the phone wouldn't stop ringing.

Rolling over to look at the phone homescreen, Lucy saw that Nyla was calling her. This raised red flags in Lucy's mind because while she and Nyla were friends - they had never called before. This must've been urgent.

Finally tapping the answer button, Lucy rolled back into her original position as the phone was placed onto speaker.

"Hello?" She said breathlessly.

Lucy heard shuffling and low voices talking before someone acknowledged her.

A voice she recognised as Nyla's began to speak, "We need you to come in, Lucy."

"But I'm on leave.", She whined.

"I know but this is important and you're the only person who can help. When you arrive, I'll discuss the details further."

Nyla left no room for discussion as she abruptly hung up after her sentence. Lucy had no other choice but to go to the station, hoping to avoid everyone.

Lucy was in the middle of the bullpen, ignoring people's looks and whispers when she spotted Grey signalling for her to come into his office.

She was met with Nyla and Grey staring at her, neither of them speaking a word.

"I'm not really sure how to explain this- Just come with me." Nyla began walking out of the office towards the interrogation rooms.

Lucy followed behind her as quickly as she could, still unaware of what was going on.

The door opened and Lucy was met with a familiar face behind the glass pane.

She was left dumbfounded at the sight before her.

A very pregnant Sava sat inside the interrogation room, mindlessly twirling her hair whilst smacking her gum loudly.

Lucy turned to Nyla with wide eyes, "That is disturbing."

"You better pick up that jaw off the floor, Chen. You also might want to take a seat for this next part." Gesturing towards her swollen belly.

Lucy had just realised her current attire, not bothering to check before she scrambled out of the house. She was wearing a pair of loose sweat pants with an oversized LAPD jumper; hair pulled into a messy bun.

She couldn't care less about what she was wearing at that point, knowing it was too late to change anyways.

Tim burst into the interrogation room, having just come back from patrol. "What did you need me for?" He barked.

"Hello to you too." Lucy said.

His eyes shifted between her and the person on the other side of the glass, dots connecting inside his mind.


Nyla pulls out a steel chair for Lucy to sit down on, preparing to explain the current situation.

"Now that you're both here, We need you to both go back undercover as Dim and Juicy."

Tim and Lucy simultaneously gasp, "What!"

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