Chapter two

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Lucy was officially panicking. Panicking was an understatement, she felt like she was about to break down.

She briefly remembered blacking out after seeing the test last night and by the time she woke up, everybody had been gone and sunlight was pouring in from the windows.

Last night wasn't a dream though, the mess left behind in her living room and the multiple pregnancy tests left on her bathroom counter were a reminder of that.

Lucy was sitting at her kitchen counter, wrapping her head around all of this. Fuck. What was she going to do, she couldn't have a baby - especially her ex training officer's one.

She had to keep the baby. The guilt that would follow her if she didn't would be too much to bear. I guess she's doing this now. Becoming a mother.

Her head was still pounding from the events of last night, the sunlight not helping her sober up. Everything she drank last night - would that harm the baby?

Her heart dropped, she only found out she was becoming a mother yesterday and she already messed it up. Tears were well streaming down her face at this point, a strangled sob coming out. The damn hormones.

Once she had calmed down, she found the number of an obstetrician and booked an appointment. One task down, many more to go.

She knew the baby was Tim's, he was the only person who she had contact with before she left. Telling him that she was carrying his baby sounded crazy, it may even ruin their relationship further.

He deserved to know. He deserved to become a father, but would he want to experience this with her? It was around 6 in the morning, he would most likely be awake by now and getting ready for work.

Lucy pressed on his contact, her finger hovering over the call button. He had a right to know, it was his baby after all. Maybe this will bring them closer together.

She pressed the call button, the phone rang for what seemed to be forever. Finally, someone picked up.

A feminine voice answered the phone, "Hello?". Ashley. She bit the inside of her cheek as her eyes turned glassy. This was a bad idea, Tim is happy with Ashley. He doesn't need me causing more inconveniences in his life. "I'm sorry." And with that, the call was over.

He was happy, and she hated him for it. Happy without her. She didn't need him, she could do this alone.

The cold gel sent shivers up Lucy's spine, but the chill was long forgotten once she saw her baby.

"Congratulations Miss Chen, you're currently 13 weeks along."

The wand moved around her stomach as a loud heartbeat filled the room. "And that is your baby." On the screen above her, a small white blob was displayed. This all felt so real now. She had an actual baby growing inside of her.

A smile crept on Lucy's face as she saw her baby for the first time. She turned to the obstetrician, "Could I have 2 copies of the ultrasound?"

"Of course. Would you also like to know your baby's gender?"

Lucy hesitated to say yes, She wanted it to be a surprise. The image of a mini Tim or a mini Lucy running around warmed her heart.

"No, I'd like it to be a surprise."

Her obstetrician began to talk about pregnancy vitamins and things she can do to keep her baby safe, but Lucy was only paying attention to half of it. Her eyes fixated on the tiny blob inside of her - her baby.

She decided to keep her pregnancy on the down low, the less people who know, the better. She still wasn't sure if she would tell Tim. Being in Sacramento was a blessing as she didn't have to reveal anything for another month, and she would be around 17 weeks when she returns home.

Staying on patrol was the only option to not raise suspicion, but she would be more careful this time around.

Lucy decided to tell Grey when she returns, but as for now the only people who would know are Tamara and Noah.

She just needed to get through this last month of UC school, everything is relatively safe here so she didn't need to worry much.

Since she had a day off, she decided how she would tell Tamara and began looking for nursery inspiration. This was really happening, although this wasn't the way she wanted her life to go, she wouldn't change anything for the world.

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