Chapter five

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Lucy was 27 weeks today, so 7 months.

She was quite obviously pregnant now, unable to continue patrol like she had hoped.

If she resorted to desk duty, people would begin to ask questions and she wasn't quite prepared on how to answer them yet.

She had recently requested to go on maternity leave, explaining the situation to Sargent Grey - excluding the part about being knocked up by her superior officer.

He fully supported her and congratulated her, encouraging her to take some time off. Grey was just glad Lucy was willing to stay home, Angela on the other hand wasn't quite as easy to persuade.

Lucy decided to continue patrol for the next 3 weeks; until she's 30 weeks.

These next few weeks were going to be hell.

Lucy had managed to convince herself that her bump just looked like she ate too much the previous night. She really didn't want to buy a new uniform.

She had felt bad at the amount of times she's snapped at people this past month, her usual sunshine-y personality becoming grumpy.

Changing into her uniform, she slammed her locker door - jumping backwards as a figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

Placing a hand over her heart, she let out a breathy laugh. "Warn a person next time Angela! You scared me."

Angela went straight to the point of why she came into the locker room, "When did it happen?"

"When did what happen?" Lucy was genuinely confused.

"Cut the crap Lucy, we both know what I'm talking about."

Then it all clicked. Why Angela and Nyla were so quiet and secretive a few weeks ago.

She decided to play it off, still acting confused.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Angela raises one of her eyebrows, pointing to the slight curve of her uniform; the white undershirt compressing it.

"You sure about that? Because the baby currently in your womb tells me otherwise."

Lucy gives a look of disbelief, and scans the locker room for nosy ears before pressing her finger to her lip.

"You can't tell anybody Angela, I mean it."

"I won't if you answer my question." Angela would've kept her secret anyways, she just liked using her intimidation as a leverage.

"Uh. I'm 7 months, It happened before I got offered a position in UC school." Lucy knew she told Angela too much, it wouldn't be hard to figure out who the father was.

"Congratulations by the way Lucy, I'm happy for you."

"Thank you. Now is this conversation done, because I really need to pee before roll call starts." Lucy didn't really have to hide it from Angela anymore, now that she knew.

"Wait, aren't you meant to be on maternity leave?"

"I am, I just needed to pick up some things before I get stuck at home forever. Plus this new information is much more interesting than the things i'll be watching on tv." Angela winked before heading out of the locker room.

Angela still had one unanswered question, who was the father? She didn't want to pry further, so now was a good time to put the puzzle pieces together.

Only one thing happened in the time frame Lucy had told her and that was the Juicy and Dim undercover op.

So what really happened those nights?

A lightbulb flickered in Angela's mind, the night the operation ended - everybody headed home but Angela decided to send a quick follow up message about how they had arrested Hajek and his goons to Tim.

He didn't respond to her message, until she saw him the next morning and questioned him. Tim convincingly explained how his phone had died when he returned home, and it was charging in his living room whilst he slept.

Oh shit.

Tim is the father.

He was lying, because Lucy's phone was also coincidentally unreachable that night.

Oh my god.

Angela was sitting in her living room, counting down the seconds till Tim's shift ended.

As soon as it did, she drove to his house in record time. In those 10 minutes it took to arrive - she realised 3 things.

One, Lucy had most likely not told Tim at all based on how thick the tension was between them. Seriously, you could cut it with a knife.

Two, She needed to help them get their heads out of their asses.

And three, they were both idiots.

Angela pounded on Tim's door, threatening to break it down if he didn't open it within the next 5 seconds.

She was way too pregnant to be doing this. And she really needed to pee.

He finally swung open the door, questioning her random arrival whilst letting her in.

Angela didn't have the patience to deal with both Lucy and Tim today; she knew Tim would give in quicker because you never say no to a pregnant woman.

"What happened the day you dropped Lucy home from the UC op, and don't lie to me this time because I will not hesitate to hurt you."

Tim's eyes widened, unaware of how to approach this situation.

"I- How do you know about that?"

"I have my ways, now answer my question."

He knew he wasn't getting out of this one, sighing in defeat. "We hooked up. Me and Lucy."

"But it was a one time thing. You have to promise not to tell anyone, her career would be over."

Angela scoffed at how stupid the couple were, "Yeah, that was a dumb thing to do."

"Timothy, do you have feelings for Lucy?" She knew saying this would reveal some hard truths.

Tim squeaked out his sentence. Never once in her life had she heard him squeak.

"Noo! She's just a friend. Plus, I have a girlfriend."

That confirmed everything for Angela, suddenly reminded about the other issue - his annoying barbie doll girlfriend.

"You and I both know that's a lie. You need to talk to Lucy before it's too late."

"There's no point either way. Lucy moved on already."

Now Angela was confused, she was pretty sure that Tim was Lucy's baby daddy so what did he mean by move on?

"I don't know what you're talking about but I doubt she's moved on. Man up and talk to her already." Testing his masculinity would definitely make him listen to her.

"O-okay yeah. Um, should I go now?" He reached for his keys as Angela walked onto the front porch.

"Yup! You better update me."

That was almost too easy. Hopefully they'll figure it out.

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