Chapter 2: Is he... mine?

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Sunghoon took a final deep breath, squaring his shoulders before stepping into the hospital. The dim lighting of the hallways did little to ease the tension weighing on him. Each step felt heavy, laden with the gravity of his responsibilities and the fear of what might come.

As he approached the room, he could hear the soft murmur of voices. Jungwon and Jake were still inside, their conversation low and concerned. Pushing the door open, Sunghoon entered the room, his eyes immediately drawn to the boy lying unconscious on the bed. The monitors beeped steadily, a constant reminder of the boy's fragile state.

Jungwon looked up, his eyes meeting Sunghoon's with a mixture of hope and resignation. "He's still not waking up," he said softly, his brow furrowed with worry.

Jake stood by the bedside, his eyes moving to the injured boy. "We've done everything we can. Now it's up to him to fight through this."

Sunghoon nodded, the weight of the situation settling even more heavily on his shoulders. He moved closer, his eyes scanning the boy's face for any sign of change. Any sign of hope.

"He has to make it," Sunghoon murmured, more to himself than to anyone else.

Jungwon sighed, his voice tinged with frustration and helplessness. "His injuries were severe. Even with my healing abilities, it's going to take time. You don't need to worry, hyung. I will do my best".

Jake nodded solemnly. "He must be strong. He has to be, to survive all those wounds."

There was a heavy silence in the room, each of them lost in their thoughts. The boy's unconscious form seemed so vulnerable, so fragile, and yet there was a resilience in him that gave Sunghoon a sliver of hope.

"Sunghoon hyung," Jungwon broke the silence, his voice hesitant. "Do you think... do you think he could be your mate?"

Sunghoon's heart skipped a beat. He hadn't allowed himself to fully consider the idea despite his wolf fully accepting it "I don't know," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But my instincts, they tell me something."

Jungwon and Jake exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between them. "We'll do everything we can to help him," Jake said firmly. "Whatever it takes."

Sunghoon's gaze shifted to Jungwon, then to Jake and he nooded. "We can't afford to lose him. Even if he wasnt my mate, His injured body infront of our borders is either a direct threat from someone or a sign that there's a danger lingering around our borders".

He turned to Jake, a determined look in his eyes. "Jake, we need to find out what happened to him. We don't know when will he wake up so we can't wait. I want you to start an investigation immediately and look into the cameras. Whoever or whatever did this needs to be found."

Jake straightened, sensing the urgency in Sunghoon's voice. "I'll get right on it and I'll gather a team and start looking for clues in the area where he was found."

"Good" Sunghoon replied. "We can't let this go unanswered. He needs justice, and we need to ensure our territory is safe."

Jake placed a reassuring hand on Sunghoon's shoulder. He knew how important this matter to the true alpha "We'll find them, Sunghoon. I promise."

Sunghoon nodded, his expression resolute. "Let's hope we can bring some answers before it's too late."

Jungwon sighed and glanced at the door. "I need to tell Jay about the matter and tend to the other patients now. Will you be okay here with him?"

Sunghoon looked at the unconscious boy, then back at Jungwon. "I'll be fine. Go do what you need to."

Jungwon gave a brief nod and squeezed Sunghoon's arm reassuringly. "Call me if there's any change,".

With that, Jungwon left the room, leaving Sunghoon alone with the boy.

Sunghoon took a seat beside the bed, his eyes never leaving the boy's face. The steady beep of the monitors was a small comfort, a sign that there was still life within him.

The cuts and wounds on the boy's face made Sunghoon's heart swell with sadness. Each bruise and gash seemed to tell a story of pain and suffering, igniting a deep sense of empathy and protectiveness within him. Sunghoon felt an overwhelming urge to comfort and shield this fragile, broken boy from any further harm. He could hardly bear to look for the evidence of the torment he had endured, and the knowledge that someone had inflicted such cruelty filled him with a mix of sorrow and anger.

Sunghoon leaned closer, his voice soft but filled with urgency."Hey," he began, his tone gentle. "I don't know if you can hear me, but you need to wake up. I need you to fight, to come back."

He paused, taking a deep breath. "If you are my mate, if this connection I feel is real, then you have to wake up. We have so much to talk about, so much to figure out. But first, you have to open your eyes."

Sunghoon reached out, taking the boy's hand in his. "You're strong, I know you are. Whatever you went through, you survived it for a reason. We need you here, with us. I need you here."He squeezed the boy's hand gently, his eyes pleading. "So please, fight. Fight and wake up. Show me that my instincts were right, that you're my mate. Please, don't leave me when I don't even know your name."

Silence filled the room once more, the only sound the rhythmic beeping of the monitors. Sunghoon sat back, his heart heavy with worry and hope. All he could do now was wait and pray that the boy would hear his plea and find the strength to wake up.


Thank you for reading. 🤍

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