Chapter 9: Revelations and Resolve

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Sunghoon woke up the next day feeling pain in his body. He looked around to find the others sprawled across the living room. The remnants of their late-night strategy session lay scattered around them: empty coffee cups, crumpled maps, and hastily scribbled notes.

Groaning softly, Sunghoon sat up, rubbing the back of his neck. He noticed Jay slumped over the table, his head resting on a pile of documents. Jungwon and Jake were huddled together on the couch, fast asleep. Sunghoon couldn't help but smile at the sight of his packmates, their determination and loyalty evident even in their exhaustion.

He quietly rose to his feet, careful not to wake anyone, and stretched, trying to ease the stiffness from his muscles. The events of the previous night replayed in his mind: the urgency of the letter from the Crimson Claw pack, the intense discussions about how to protect Sunoo, and the weight of the decision he had to make.

Sunghoon moved to the kitchen and started brewing a fresh pot of coffee. As the aroma filled the air, he reflected on everything that happened between him and Sunoo since the younger showed up. He knew that revealing their mate bond and the necessity of marking him will be a lot for Sunoo to take in, and he is scared that it woild scare the omega away. That all of the tiny steps ha has been taking towards his omega would be worthless once the younger hears about it.

To think about, why would Sunoo trust him? Yes they were becoming more of a friends by the days. Their training sessions are the times for Sunghoon to relax and forget about everything and everyone else, but he can see that the younger is still keeping his distance from him.

When Sunoo got really close with Jungwon, Sunghoon blamed the younger's distance at him being an alpha. But in no time, Ni-ki, whoi also an alpha, became so close to him that sometimes Sunghoon wants to hang him on a tree upside down.

He can't tell why can't he be close to his omega. He can blame no one but himself though. He knows he is a hard person to get close to.

As the coffee finished brewing, Jay stirred and lifted his head, blinking blearily at Sunghoon. "Morning," Jay mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning," Sunghoon replied softly.

Jungwon and Jake began to wake up as well, their eyes slowly adjusting to the morning light. Jungwon glanced around, taking in the mess with a resigned sigh. "Guess we really went all out, huh?"

Jake grinned sleepily. "Wouldn't be a proper pack meeting without a little chaos."

Sunghoon handed Jay a cup of coffee, then brought two more to Jungwon and Jake. "Thanks," Jake said, accepting the cup gratefully. "So, what's the plan for today?"

"We need to be prepared for any approach from the Crimson Claw pack," Sunghoon replied, taking a sip of his own coffee. "But first, I need to talk to Sunoo. He needs to know everything."

Jungwon nodded, his expression serious. "Do you want me to come with you?"

Sunghoon shook his head. "No, it's better if I talk to him alone. He might feel overwhelmed if we all show up."

Jay leaned back in his chair, watching Sunghoon thoughtfully. "Just remember, we're here for you. Whatever you need."

"I know," Sunghoon said with a grateful smile. "Thanks, guys."

After finishing their coffee and tidying up the living room, Sunghoon headed out towards Sunoo's cabin. The morning air was cool and crisp, and the forest around him was alive with the sounds of birds and rustling leaves. Sunghoon took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation ahead, his heart pounding with a mix of determination and anxiety. He knew this conversation was crucial, not just for Sunoo's safety but for the bond they were about to acknowledge.

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