chapter 7: Belonging

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In the month that followed, Sunoo continued to immerse himself in the daily rhythms of pack life at the Lunar Vanguard. His training sessions with Sunghoon became a regular part of his routine, each session pushing him to hone his skills and strengthen his bond with his wolf. Despite occasional moments of doubt, Sunoo found solace in the camaraderie of the pack members and the supportive presence of Sunghoon.

The omega has made friends with many people. He never had anyone before but no he has Ni-ki and Jungwon who would always fight over him and sulk if he spent time with anyone else and not them.

Sunoo stretched lazily in the shade of a large oak tree, enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun filtering through the leaves. Ni-ki was sprawled out beside him, flipping through a book on mythical creatures, occasionally glancing over to Sunoo with a mischievous grin.

"You know," Ni-ki teased, nudging Sunoo lightly with his elbow, "I think Jungwon hyung is secretly jealous that you're spending so much time with me today."

Sunoo chuckled, rolling his eyes playfully. "Oh, please. He'll survive. Besides, you're just trying to distract me from finding out more about that new spell Jungwon mentioned last night."

Ni-ki feigned innocence, batting his eyelashes dramatically. "Who, me? Distract you? Never!"

Just then, Jungwon emerged from behind the tree with a mock stern expression, arms crossed over his chest. "There you two are," he declared, raising an eyebrow. "I've been looking all over for you, Sunoo. And here you are, neglecting your studies to entertain this troublemaker."

Ni-ki grinned unabashedly. "Can you blame him, Jungwon hyung? Sunoo hyung and I were just discussing the finer points of magical creatures. It's important research!"

Jungwon sighed dramatically, pretending to be exasperated. "I suppose magical creatures are a worthy topic of study," he conceded with a smile, settling down on the grass next to them.

Sunoo has started studying more about herbs to help Jungwon with his treats and spell. And since he already knew alot from his mother, Jungwon treated him like a savior for helping him.

"But you shouldn't neglect your herbalism practice either, Sunoo hyung. Jay hyung was asking about your progress earlier."

Sunoo nodded seriously, though a playful glint remained in his eyes. "I'll get to it, promise. Right after Ni-ki tells me more about those ancient runes he found in his grandfather's library."

Ni-ki's eyes lit up with excitement, launching into an animated explanation as Jungwon chuckled softly, shaking his head. The three of them spent the rest of the afternoon in lighthearted banter and shared curiosity, forming a bond that felt as natural and comforting as the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees above.


In the bustling heart of the Lunar Vanguard's communal area, amidst the hum of conversations and occasional laughter, When the sun was going down into the horizon, Sunoo found himself engaged in a lively discussion with Hanni, a spirited beta who had quickly become his friend. Hanni's enthusiasm was infectious, her laughter ringing out as she animatedly recounted a recent hunting expedition with some of the other pack members.

"And then, just when we thought the deer had gotten away, Jungwon swoops in like a hero and lands the perfect shot!" Hanni exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I swear, he's got the precision of a hawk!"

Sunoo chuckled, enjoying Hanni's animated storytelling. Since their first meeting, Hanni had taken it upon herself to show Sunoo the ropes of pack life, introducing him to various pack members and eagerly sharing stories about their adventures and quirks. Her genuine warmth and effervescent personality had made her a welcome presence in Sunoo's life, a beacon of light amidst the lingering shadows of his past.

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