Chapter 12: Mark

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The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow across the landscape as Sunghoon led Sunoo down a winding path towards the lake. The air was crisp and filled with the scent of pine and earth, a perfect backdrop for the momentous occasion that lay ahead. Sunoo's heart beat faster with each step, a mix of nerves and anticipation coursing through him.

Sunghoon, noticing Sunoo's silence, gently squeezed his hand. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice soft and reassuring.

Sunoo nodded, offering a small smile. "Just a little nervous," he admitted. "This is a big step."

Sunghoon stopped walking, turning to face Sunoo. His eyes were warm, filled with understanding. "It is," he agreed, "but we don't have to rush anything. We can take all the time you need."

Sunoo felt a wave of gratitude and affection wash over him. Sunghoon had been nothing but patient and understanding since they had met, and this moment was no different. "Thank you, Sunghoon. For everything."

Sunghoon smiled, a look of tenderness in his eyes. "You don't need to thank me, Sunoo. I'm just happy you're here with me."

As they reached the edge of the lake, Sunoo's eyes widened in surprise. Sunghoon had prepared a picnic by the water, complete with a blanket spread out on the grass and a basket filled with food. Lanterns hung from nearby trees, casting a soft, ambient light over the scene.

"Wow," Sunoo breathed, taking it all in. "This is... amazing."

Sunghoon smiled, pleased with Sunoo's reaction. "I thought we could have a nice, quiet evening together. Just the two of us."

They settled on the blanket, the soft murmur of the water creating a serene backdrop. Sunghoon unpacked the basket, revealing a selection of Sunoo's favorite foods. They ate in comfortable silence for a while, enjoying the food and the peaceful surroundings.

After they finished eating, Sunghoon reached into the basket and pulled out a small bottle of wine. He poured them each a glass, then raised his in a toast. "To new beginnings," he said, his eyes locking with Sunoo's.

Sunoo clinked his glass against Sunghoon's, feeling a sense of warmth and contentment wash over him. "To new beginnings," he echoed, smiling.

They sipped their wine, and after a moment, Sunghoon set his glass down and turned to Sunoo, his expression turning serious. "Sunoo, I want you to know that I care about you deeply. This marking... it's not just a ritual for me. It's a promise. A promise to always be there for you, to protect you, and to love you."

Sunoo felt his heart swell with emotion. He reached out, taking Sunghoon's hand in his. "I know," he said softly. "And I'm ready. I want this too."

Sunghoon's eyes shone with affection as he leaned in, his lips brushing against Sunoo's in a tender, lingering kiss. It was their first kiss, and it felt like the culmination of everything they had been building towards. Sunoo's eyes fluttered shut, the sensation of Sunghoon's lips against his sending a thrill of warmth through his body.

As they pulled apart, Sunghoon's gaze was intense, filled with love and a hint of something deeper. "Are you ready?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Sunoo nodded, his heart racing. "Yes."

Sunghoon gently guided Sunoo to tilt his head, exposing the curve of his neck. He leaned in, his breath warm against Sunoo's skin. Sunoo felt a shiver of anticipation as Sunghoon's lips pressed against his neck, followed by a sharp, brief pain as Sunghoon's teeth broke the skin.

The pain was quickly replaced by a rush of warmth and energy, a surge of power that seemed to fill Sunoo from the inside out. He gasped, his eyes widening as he felt a connection snap into place, like a missing piece of a puzzle finally falling into place. It was as if a veil had been lifted, and for the first time, Sunoo could feel his wolf stirring within him, strong and vibrant.

Sunghoon pulled back, his eyes glowing with the same energy that Sunoo felt coursing through his veins. He reached out, cupping Sunoo's face in his hands. "How do you feel?" he asked, his voice filled with concern and hope.

Sunoo took a moment to process the sensations flooding his senses. He felt... complete. Whole in a way he hadn't felt in a long time. And more than that, he felt a deep, undeniable connection to Sunghoon, a bond that went beyond mere attraction or affection. It was as if his very soul recognized Sunghoon as its mate, its other half.

"I feel... amazing," Sunoo said, his voice filled with awe. "I can feel my wolf again. And... I can feel you."

Sunghoon smiled, his eyes glistening with emotion. "I'm glad," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "I've waited so long for this moment. To finally be connected to you in this way."

Sunoo leaned in, pressing his forehead against Sunghoon's. "Me too," he whispered. "Thank you for waiting for me."

They stayed like that for a while, basking in the warmth of their new bond. The air around them seemed to hum with energy, a testament to the powerful connection they now shared. Sunoo felt a sense of peace and contentment settle over him, a feeling that he was exactly where he was meant to be.

As the night deepened, they sat together by the lake, the stars reflecting off the water like a thousand tiny diamonds. They talked about their future, their hopes, and dreams, and the challenges they might face together. There was a sense of calm certainty in their voices, a quiet confidence that whatever came their way, they would face it together.

Eventually, the cool night air prompted them to pack up the picnic and head back to the cabin. As they walked, hand in hand, Sunoo felt a deep sense of gratitude for the journey that had brought him to this moment. He had faced so much fear and uncertainty, but now, with Sunghoon by his side, he felt ready to embrace whatever the future held.

Back at the cabin, they settled into bed, the comfort of Sunghoon's arms around him lulling Sunoo into a sense of security. He snuggled closer, feeling the steady beat of Sunghoon's heart beneath his ear.

"Goodnight, Sunoo," Sunghoon whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of Sunoo's head.

"Goodnight, Sunghoon," Sunoo murmured, a smile playing on his lips as he drifted off to sleep.

For the first time in a long time, Sunoo felt truly at peace. He had found his mate, his wolf, and a place where he truly belonged. And as he fell asleep, he knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he wouldn't have to face them alone.


Double update as an apology😔

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