Sunoo's life 2

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Sunoo sat in the dimly lit corner of his small cabin, his heart heavy with memories of the past. He was 21 now, but the pain of what had happened to him at 16 still lingered like a dark cloud. The flickering candlelight cast long shadows on the walls, creating an atmosphere of quiet introspection. He closed his eyes, reaching deep within himself to connect with his inner wolf, his omega.

*Why did this have to happen to us?* Sunoo's thoughts echoed in his mind, his frustration and sorrow palpable. *Why did Jisoo and his friends hurt us like that?*

His omega's voice, gentle yet strong, answered him. *We were young, vulnerable. They took advantage of that. But it wasn't your fault, Sunoo. You did everything you could to protect us.*

*I should have been stronger,* Sunoo thought, his heart aching with the weight of his guilt. *I should have found a way to escape sooner.*

*You were strong,* his omega reassured him. *You fought back in every way you could. We survived because of you.*

*I still feel trapped,* Sunoo admitted, the pain of their past experiences still raw. *Even now, I can't shake off the fear and the memories. It's like they're always with me, haunting me.*

*It's natural to feel that way,* his omega responded softly. *What we went through was traumatic. But we can't let it define us forever. We have to find a way to heal, to move forward.*

*How can we move forward when the scars run so deep?* Sunoo wondered, a sense of hopelessness creeping in.

*One step at a time,* his omega replied, a note of determination in his voice. *We take it one day at a time, and we don't give up. We'll find a way out of this darkness.*

*But where do we go from here?* Sunoo asked, his mind racing with uncertainty. *How do we find a place where we can truly be safe and free?*

*We keep looking,* his omega encouraged. *We stay strong, and we don't lose hope. There is a place for us out there, a place where we can heal and find peace.*

*You're right,* Sunoo thought, feeling a flicker of hope amidst the darkness. *We've come this far. We can't give up now.*

*Exactly,* his omega agreed. *We have each other, and together, we can overcome anything.*

As he opened his eyes, the connection with his omega still strong, Sunoo felt a renewed sense of resolve. They had survived so much already, and now, they would fight for a better future, one where they could heal and find the peace they deserved.

*We'll find our place,* Sunoo promised himself and his omega. *And when we do, we'll never let anyone take it away from us.*

With that, Sunoo felt a sense of determination settle over him. He knew the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but with his omega by his side, he felt ready to face whatever challenges came their way. Together, they would find the light at the end of the tunnel and build a future free from the shadows of their past.

A sudden knock on the door startled him. He glanced up, momentarily hopeful that perhaps it was his father returning, even though such visits were rare and often brought with them nothing but disappointment. His father never let him out after that night. Pushing aside his cautious optimism, he stood up and cautiously approached the door.

As he opened it, a wave of shock and dread washed over him. Standing before him was Jisoo, the cruel alpha's son from his pack, wearing a sickening smirk that made Sunoo's stomach churn. Memories flooded back in a rush – memories of torment and pain inflicted by this very person and his friends.

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