Chapter 8: Shadows of the Past

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The days passed swiftly within the sanctuary of the Lunar Vanguard, each one filled with the quiet hum of routine. Sunoo threw himself into training with renewed fervor, guided by Sunghoon's steady hand and fueled by a growing sense of purpose among his packmates.


One evening, as the sun dipped low in the sky and painted the forest in hues of gold and crimson, Jay sat in his study within the heart of the pack's compound. The room was bathed in the warm glow of a flickering hearth, casting long shadows across the shelves lined with ancient tomes and artifacts that spoke of a history steeped in tradition.

Jay's brow furrowed in concentration as he carefully transcribed notes from a weathered scroll, his thoughts focused on the upcoming trials and the responsibilities that weighed heavily on his shoulders as alpha. He was deeply engrossed in his task when a gentle knock echoed through the room, drawing his attention.

"Come in," Jay called out, setting aside the quill and turning his attention to the doorway.

The door creaked open, revealing Jungwon standing in the threshold, his expression grave yet unreadable. Jay noted the tension in his mate's stance and gestured for him to enter, curiosity piqued by the unusual solemnity in Jungwon's demeanor.

"What troubles you, love?" Jay asked quietly, his voice a soothing counterpoint to the quiet intensity that lingered between them.

Jungwon approached with measured steps, his gaze meeting Jay's with a mixture of concern and hesitation. "There is something you need to see," he said softly, producing a sealed envelope from the folds of his cloak.

Jay accepted the envelope with a frown, noting the familiar seal stamped in crimson wax. His instincts prickled with caution as he broke the seal and unfolded the parchment within. The words were penned in a precise hand, each line carrying the weight of unspoken history and unresolved conflict.

"It's from the Crimson Claw pack," Jay murmured, his brow furrowing as he read. "They want to meet, regarding Sunoo."

Jungwon nodded gravely. "They are his old pack, Jay. He hasn't spoken much about it, but I know he's haunted by what happened in that place."

Jay's expression darkened with concern. "Sunoo has come so far with us. He's found a place of safety and belonging here. I won't let them threaten that."

Jungwon was nervous. Sunoo is an omega. Rules state that no alpha os allowed to accept an omega into his pack without his other alpha's permission.

Jay held his hand that was on the desk. "What are you thinking?".

"They are so fucking shameless, hyung. After everything, they are after him?". Jungwon didn't think that the Crimson claw would shamelessly come after the omega after what happened with him. He doesn't even know how they knew his whereabouts.

The wizard sighed in irritation as he settled on the top of the desk with a serious look "If they took this to the council, they will take him back forcefully. Especially that his father is on their side. But if I can convince Sunoo to tell about his past, and I can also offer a testimony, they might...".

He was cut with Jay standing up and planting a small pick on his lips "Calm down, baby. There's a simple solution for this. Sunghoon needs to mark Sunoo. Since Sunghoon is the alpha, Sunoo will permanently be part of our pack and the Crimson Claw wouldn't be able to up it to the council".

Jungwon frowned more. "But, Sunoo doesn't even know that Sunghoon is his mate. If we just dumped everything on him at once, he might think that we were nice to him just because of he is Sunghoon hyung's mate. Also, asking him to be marked suddenly after everything he has been through...."

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