Delphinium [Chapter 16]

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Yu ZiYuan stroked both of her children softly with both of her hands. She looked at them lovingly as they laid on her lap on both of her thighs.

"A-Xian, A-Cheng."

They both sat up with stable expressions and nodded.

Yu ZiYuan looked at them gingerly, "We need to figure out what's happening here."
"Do you have any guesses?" Jiang Cheng asked his mother.

Yu ZiYuan looked at Wei WuXian, who shook his head, indicating he didn't want to add anything yet. Yu ZiYuan spoke, "I have a feeling it's related to why I have been summoned here. Think about it, there must be a reason as to why I am here. Someone must have given Xiao MingYu the manuscripts of the summon personally. And thus, have me here."

"Do you think it's related to Zidian?" Wei WuXian asked with raised eyebrows.

Yu ZiYuan nodded, "I never knew the origins of this weapon, even though it's this powerful. Such a powerful spiritual weapon must have had powerful origins, whether good or bad."

Jiang Cheng subconsciously looked at his ring, the purple ornament giving a faint but sparking glow.

"Do you think they are after this?"
"No, not only that. I think they need me as well." Yu ZiYuan answered her son with a frown, "Otherwise they wouldn't have gotten with the trouble to summon me."

"That's true." Jiang Cheng nodded, "Maybe it's something like a ritual."
"Wow." Wei WuXian amused, "I thought that before at the very first guess, although it was just me joking. Didn't think it would be an actual option."
He shrugged.

Yu ZiYuan blinked softly, "Either ways, we have to be careful. A-Xian, you said that the person before had a cube shaped object to control the resentment. Where do you think the resentment came from?"

"The only resentment powerful enough to break the barriers of the Lan sect is the resentment from the Burial Mounds." Jiang Cheng concluded.

Wei WuXian flinched. Yu ZiYuan looked at him and suddenly had a very ominous feeling.

"Are you familiar with it?" Yu ZiYuan asked.
Jiang Cheng did a favour and answered for him, "He was thrown into the Burial Mounds."

Yu ZiYuan actually had completely forgotten about it. She apologised, "My bad, I forgot. It's hard to imagine anyone surviving that place. Anyway-" she looked at Wei WuXian, who was looking down, slightly dazed, "A-Xian."

Wei WuXian flinched again, and looked at her, "Yes?"
"Child, it's fine. You need not be so cautious around me." She soothed.

Wei WuXian nodded slowly, and tried to relax. Burial Mounds was a sour topic for him. It was there where he had changed completely. It was there from when everything started to go down hill completely.

It was horrific down there.

Jiang Cheng noticed his uneasiness, and slowly, put his hand over Wei WuXian's, and flushed a slight pink with a frown.

Wei WuXian was stunned to say the least. He looked at Jiang Cheng, his embarrassed face, and grinned, all the anxiety and bad memories immediately flooding away from his mind.

"Aww Chengcheng!"
"SHUT UP! We have business to take care of."

Yu ZiYuan muffled her laughter with her sleeves.

However, the next second, she immediately looked at Jiang Cheng, her eyes sharp.

"A-Cheng, do you have ties with the Meishan Yu sect?"
"Well, yes." He answered as if it was obvious, which well, was because that was the clan of his mother.

Yu ZiYuan knew for a fact that after the Jiang sect was burned down, the Meishan Yu sect helped them build it again. There was no way Jiang Cheng would have been able to do it without any resources or help externally. He was a sole man, there was only so much he could do, no matter the experience.

Many new disciples of the Jiang sect originally belonged to the Meishan Yu sect, but were transferred to the Jiang sect, that much Yu ZiYuan could guess.

"May we arrange a meeting with them?" Yu ZiYuan proposed.

Jiang Cheng looked evenly at her, "Sure."

Wei WuXian asked, "How long will it take? We need to talk about Zidian as soon as possible."

As expected, Wei WuXian was fast to catch on.

Yu ZiYuan looked at her son with a soft gaze, "It should take around four or five days if I am not wrong."

Jiang Cheng crossed his hands over his chest, his amythist eyes focused, "I will try to make it as soon as possible. Both of you, stay safe. They might attack again."

"I don't think so." Wei WuXian spoke up, a hand holding his chin in a thinking position, "They already received a pretty big shock today. They won't attack openly, but they might try to kidnap Aunt Yu."


Yu ZiYuan sweatdropped, ""
"No, he's right." Jiang Cheng couldn't refute it, even though he wanted to. This involved his mother.
"They might. After all, if they summoned you, then they need you."

Yu ZiYuan tensed, "Ah. Right."

Wei WuXian stood up, "Let's go out. We shouldn't waste anymore time. Let's make a move. We need to investigate the resentment of the Burial Mounds too. I will go with Lan Zhan."

"Will you be okay?" Yu ZiYuan asked on behalf of both of them.

"Don't worry. I have gone there before. Jiang Cheng knows." He grinned at him, "Right?"
"...Yes." The youngest man sighed.

Yu ZiYuan smirked. Finally, they were going back to normal.

Wei WuXian strolled back outwards after bowing, before Yu ZiYuan could tell him to stop doing the bow. She sighed.

Jiang Cheng bowed, and this time she stopped him, "No need to bow. It's fine. Goodness, I wish both of you stopped doing that." Yu ZiYuan stood up with his son, who smiled slightly.

He then looked towards the door from where Wei WuXian had left, "Mother, thank you."
"You fixed what could never have been fixed, without you we both would not have talked with each other. This barrier, it would have been there for a lot longer, at least.

Yu ZiYuan smiled bitterly, "It's good then. I fixed something I broke myself."

Jiang Cheng didn't ultimately didn't refute her words. She was right to think that she was a big part of the reason they had such a strained relationship. They wanted to be brothers in heart, but ended up being strangers in the end.

He smiled, "If we have gotten this far, maybe we can truly fix it completely. I hope this time, you will help me with it."

Yu ZiYuan nodded.

She will.

She definitely will.

Note: Delphinium represents goals.

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