Sunoo's life

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Mentions of abuse  bullying and rape


In a small, bustling pack nestled deep within the forest, young Sunoo was a quiet child who often found solace in the shadows of the trees.

His father, Jiho, served as the pack's beta, a position that demanded respect and authority. However, Jiho's marriage to Sunoo's mother, Soojin, was not born out of love or a mate bond but rather a duty forced upon him.

From a tender age, Sunoo sensed the strained relationship between his parents. Soojin, a kind-hearted wolf with a gentle spirit, tried her best to care for Sunoo while enduring his father's abuse.

Despite the lack of a true mate bond between them, Soojin showered Sunoo with love and tenderness, creating a warm and nurturing environment within their home. On the contrary, his father never cared. He would always look down on Sunoo who tried to get his attention.

Sunoo's early memories were filled with the scent of his mom. He would often explore the forest with her, learning about the herbs and plants that grew abundantly around their pack's territory. She woukd also home school him. Soojin's gentle guidance and affectionate nature became a beacon of light in Sunoo's young life, a stark contrast to his father's distant demeanor.

At the age of six. Sunoo presented as an omega. His sweet calming scent filled the small cabin where they lived. His mother was over the moon when she realized and she made him the most delicious apple pie ever. But all the happiness shattered when his dad walked through the door two days later. The moment the kid's scent hit his nose, his expression darkened.

Soojin hid her baby behind her trembling body while enduring the punchs and words thrown at her. And for the first time ever, Sunoo felt like he was the reason for his mom's suffering.

Once again, tragedy struck when Sunoo was just eight years old. Soojin fell gravely ill due to an infected wound caused by her husband. Yet the man never cared to provide the treatment she needed which led to her death.

Her passing left a profound void in Sunoo's heart, a loss that left the little boy with no one.

From that day forward, Sunoo grew up alone in the little cabin where his late mother lived away from the pack. His father remarried and barely visited the boy after his marriage.

The young boy never received any training ,which was provided to any male in the pack, and he barely met people or even kids his age. So when he was enrolled to school by the alpha's orders one day. He was just a naive 10 year old omega.


Sunoo had always been different. In a world where strength and dominance dictated one's worth, being an omega was a curse he had no choice but to bear. His small frame and gentle nature made him an easy target in his old pack, where the alpha's son, Jisoo, and his friends found cruel delight in tormenting him.

The bullying started early ,when hwas only ten, simple taunts and jests about his perceived weakness. As he grew older, the cruelty intensified. It wasn't just words anymore; it became physical. Sunoo learned to dread the school corridors, the training grounds, and even the communal areas of the pack's territory.

"Hey, weakling!" Jisoo's voice echoed in the hallways, dripping with malice. Sunoo would try to disappear into the shadows, but there was no escaping them. They always found him.

One day, as he was walking home from his duties, Jisoo and his friends cornered him near the edge of the pack's territory. They had been drinking, and their eyes glinted with something far more dangerous than usual.

"Where do you think you're going, Sunoo?" Jisoo sneered, pushing him against a tree. The impact knocked the breath out of him, and he winced as pain shot through his back.

"Please, just let me go," Sunoo pleaded, his voice trembling. He knew it was useless, but desperation made him try anyway.

Jisoo laughed, a cruel sound that sent shivers down Sunoo's spine. "Why should we? You're nothing but an omega. You should be grateful we even acknowledge your existence."

The others joined in, their laughter ringing in his ears. One of them grabbed his arm, twisting it painfully behind his back. Sunoo bit back a cry of pain, refusing to give them the satisfaction.

"You know, we've been talking," Jisoo said, his tone mockingly thoughtful. "Maybe it's time we teach you your place."

Sunoo's heart pounded in his chest as he realized what they meant. Fear clawed at his throat, but he forced himself to stay calm. "Please, don't do this," he whispered, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Shut up!" Jisoo snapped, slapping him hard across the face. The force of the blow made Sunoo's head spin, and he tasted blood on his lips.

They dragged him deeper into the woods, away from prying eyes. Sunoo struggled, but he was no match for their combined strength. They threw him to the ground, their hands tearing at his clothes. Panic surged through him, and he kicked out wildly, his voice a desperate scream for help.

"Stop! Someone, please help me!" he cried, his voice echoing in the empty forest.

But no one came. His pleas were swallowed by the dense trees and the uncaring night. Jisoo and his friends laughed, their hands rough and unrelenting. The pain was excruciating, the humiliation unbearable. Sunoo fought as hard as he could, but in the end, he was just an omega against a pack of alphas.

When they were finally done, they left him there, bruised and broken. Sunoo lay on the cold ground, tears streaming down his face, his body trembling with pain and fear. He knew he couldn't stay there. If he did, they would come back. They always came back.

With what little strength he had left, Sunoo pulled himself to his feet. His clothes were torn, his body aching with every movement. He stumbled through the forest, driven by a single, desperate thought: he needs to go home.

He slowly walked to his home. His legs would give up on him every now and then and His tears never stopped.

He hoped that he would meet some rouge who would kill him and allow him to join his mom in the after life. But, that never happened.

Reaching the small cabin, the teanage omega was met by his father standing infront of the door.

Sunoo, for a moment, hoped that his father would care. That he would come to him and ask him what happened. That he would atleast comfort the boy.

He didn't want revenge. He only wanted comfort from his father. But, his hopes crashed down when he saw the old man's disgusted face.

He heard a scoff "Such a weak bitch. Just like your useless mother".

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