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"Does it hurt?" Leehan asked, looking at me with concern. I smiled and shook my head. "It doesn't," I tried to assure him, but he just frowned.

"How can you say it doesn't hurt when half your face is literally covered with a bandage?" He rolled his eyes at me. Look at this guy! He doesn't realize it, but I know he's going to win every single argument, petty or not. So if he says it hurts, then yes, it hurts.

"Don't smile," he muttered seriously. I quickly dropped my smile. "You're seriously okay, right? Your head isn't damaged or something?" he asked again, worry clear in his voice.

What's wrong with smiling? I'm just smiling because he's here, and we're the only ones in the clinic.

"I just can't stop smiling. You seem worried." He sighed. "And you're happy because of that?"

"Yep." He shook his head and gave me another questioning look. "You sure you didn't-"

"Oh for God's sake, Leehan, I'm okay." I finally gave up trying to show my true feelings and went back to being grumpy. I take back what I said about not being grumpy at him because sometimes he's just a little too slow for someone who likes him so much.

"Where are the others?" I asked, but before he could answer, the door abruptly opened. My friends stopped mid-step when they saw me. Woonhak burst out laughing while pointing at my face, and Sungho tried to cover his mouth. Jaehyun was trying hard to look away, even looking up at the ceiling to suppress his laughter.

I am offended.

"Not gonna lie, I'm really worried, but you look funny," Riwoo commented honestly as he pulled up a chair and looked me over from head to toe. The audacity of this guy to look at me like that when he and Jaehyun were the ones who agreed to play the game in the first place.

"Are you okay?" Sungho asked. I nodded. "I'm okay. The nurse advised me to rest and already notified our teachers." He nodded.

"Good thing Leehan was quick to bring you to the clinic. The one who hit you wanted to say sorry." I nodded again. I understood that it was just an accident, so there was really nothing to make a big deal about.

I stayed in the clinic for the whole afternoon while Leehan and the rest of my friends went back to class. I played on my phone and listened to music the entire time. Then, my friends came back.

"I'm going to carry your backpack," Riwoo muttered. I must have looked really pitiful to them.

"Sure, thanks." It's not like I've broken a limb or something. I know it's just Riwoo's way of showing he's worried about me, even if his facial expression sometimes betrays him.

We walked home together. Moments like these are my favorite. Although I sometimes question myself when they do questionable things or act like idiots, at the end of the day, they're still the ones who are there for me despite my constant whining. I realize these are the people who are most willing to listen and stay by my side when times get tough, and that's why I can't risk confessing to Leehan.

There's a big possibility it would ruin not just my relationship with Leehan but could affect the whole group. Leehan would probably distance himself, and some of them might think it's weird and start distancing themselves too.

"Have you seen Taesan's face earlier?" Jaehyun led the conversation, which was just full of teasing about what happened. Woonhak followed with a laugh.

"Such a waste I didn't get to take a pic–" I couldn't help but smack his head. He yelped in pain, and everyone started laughing. Riwoo was pushing his bike alongside us while Sungho walked with his hands in his pockets, laughing quietly with us. And then there was Leehan, now carrying my backpack—I don't even remember how it happened, but my backpack somehow found its way to Leehan's shoulder—and everything looked perfect.

The sun was setting, painting the sky with beautiful shades of pink. It was a breathtaking view that matched how I felt right now.

I walked slowly, watching my friends joke around, until my eyes landed on Leehan's back.

Just how long will I keep the truth hidden from you?

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