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Kim Leehan

So when morning came, I immediately looked at myself in the mirror with a big smile on my face. I hummed my favorite song as I took a shower. I even finished my breakfast that I usually don't, so my mom looked at me with confusion. But I shrugged it off. I think I'll never be happier than hearing Taesan say I'm his.

When I got to school, I looked around. But it seems like Taesan's already running late.

"Good luck later, okay?" Jiyo tapped my shoulder, and I nodded. Then, I ran back to where I left my friends and found Taesan looking at me. I smiled at him.

"Let's go," Sungho signaled everyone, so we all followed him inside the bus. I sat next to Taesan and immediately noticed that he's super tense. It almost feels like he did something wrong to me, and he doesn't want me to know about it. Why, though?

"You look tense," I pointed out. "Just nervous about later," he replied, and it almost sounded like a whisper.

"You got this," I encouraged him and tapped his shoulder. I'm pretty sure he's very nervous about performing earlier, but he's going to be fine. I trust him. I didn't recommend him to Jiyo for nothing. I know he's super talented, and I'm proud of him for that. I want everyone to know how talented he is. Like, come on, he's my baby after all.

As the bus started moving, my eyelids suddenly felt heavy. Damn, it's because I fell asleep late last night because I really couldn't move on from what Taesan just said to Seola, and now I'm very sleepy. I couldn't help but close my eyes, and then I finally fell asleep.

I felt a soft pat on my head when I woke up. I opened my eyes in confusion and wandered around. I almost forgot where I was at the moment.

"We're already here," I heard Taesan mutter, and I tried so hard to stay awake and nodded.

When we got there, we immediately settled our things inside the tent. After the orientation, my friends started settling the whole tent. I felt guilty for not helping since the loud bickering of Jaehyun and Woonhak could be heard all over the place as Sungho tried to hush them two, so I approached Taesan, but he just glanced up and smiled at me.

"You can fix our things. We're fine," he told me. I nodded my head and went back to sitting, crossing my legs as I appreciated the breeze hitting against my skin. I love the beach. I guess there's just something to it that I can't explain. Just like what I feel for Taesan.

"You better not move around too much," Taesan warned Woonhak after pitching the tent. The latter just chuckled before going outside. And now the two of us are left alone inside the tent.

"Are you still nervous about later?" I can't help but ask him.

"No... there's something else I'm nervous about," he replied. Something else? I looked deeply into his eyes. Is he planning something? Shit, why am I getting nervous too?

The campfire started. Everyone was cheering, grilling their marshmallows, and just talking to each other. Then the performances started. When it was our turn to dance, everyone cheered. I could see Taesan looking at us in the corner of my eye, smiling and occasionally chuckling. Maybe it's just really funny to see your friends performing on stage.

I looked at him at the end of our performance. Probably because I just wanted to. I wanted to confess my feelings through my eyes.

And then his name was called after a few performances. My friends became overly dramatic as Taesan walked up in front. I smiled at him and cheered for his name too, louder than anyone did. No one knew how much I wanted to shout his name with "baby" on it, but I have to endure it much longer. As the band was settling in front, Sungho nudged me.

"Brace yourself." Sungho muttered, so I nervously glanced at him. "What do you mean?" But he just shrugged like he didn't say anything that sent me into different conclusions in one second.

Wait a minute, what is he trying to make me brace myself for?! But okay, it's understandable. I guess he just meant I should brace myself for seeing Taesan sing because I'd definitely faint.

"Woo, Taesan!" Woonhak cheered.

"Han Taesan! Han Taesan!" Jaehyun followed. I excitedly clapped for him and kept chanting his name. The cheers grew louder as he reached for the microphone. The familiar intro of the song he picked seeped through our ears. And damn it, why is he looking at me the whole time?

"I was closing all the blinds just so you could sleep through the night," he sang, his voice sounding so sweet, and so good I almost want to gatekeep all of a sudden.

"I was staying by your side just to make sure you were okay," I swayed my head.

"Then I was opening the door just to see if you would walk through," and his gaze never left me. It made my heart pound, since those eyes meant more than a hundred "I love you's" that we were too scared to say to each other.

"I started painting all the walls just to see if you liked the shade."

And then, the song ended, and everyone cheered for him. I clapped for him too, but Woonhak's voice overlapped with all the cheering. God, why does he have to be blessed with a loud voice? But seeing him and everyone support Taesan genuinely makes me happy too, and almost teary-eyed.

The cheering slowly faded, but my forehead creased when Taesan was still standing there. Even if the band already went down. He's still standing in front nervously, and you know what's even more ironic? He never took his eyes off me. Then he smiled, a nervous one.

And then it all hit me. Shit, is he going to confess now?! I gasped and looked at Sungho, but he just laughed at me and playfully nudged my shoulder with his. Did he know about this too?! I looked at him again, still widening my eyes.

"Leehan, I..." He closed his eyes tightly. I nervously waited for what he's going to say, although I couldn't even think straight anymore due to my heart pounding too much and my hands feeling cold.

"I've wanted to tell you... I like you—no, I love you. I love you so much, not just as your friend. Haven't you noticed? You're the crush I've secretly admired all along..." And that's when all the noises suddenly muffled. The silence came, and I took that as an opportunity to fully examine what's happening. Until it sank in.


It seems like the others had only just realized it too, and they all gasped. But I didn't mind all of them. My eyes are still glued to him, and my feet seemed to be glued to the ground too. Is this real? I'm not dreaming, right? I could see the relief in his eyes as he glanced over at our friends, and I was admiring him the whole time he was smiling at them.

And it seems like a perfect moment for a perfect confession when the fireworks spread through the sky, and everyone quickly looked up and got distracted. Our friends were pointing at it too, and Jaehyun was pushing Riwoo to take a picture of it. Sungho was busy saying "woah" the whole time as Woonhak joined him.

I couldn't contain my happiness, and I almost leaped in between our distance. I fastened my walk and then jogged my way to him. And when I reached him, I pulled him into a hug. So tightly that I almost don't want him to let go.

"I'm sorry—"

"Finally," I pulled from the hug. I smiled at him when he looked confused. "You finally confessed." His eyes widened. He looked at me intently, then my eyes widened when he suddenly pulled me into a kiss. His right hand pulling my nape deeper into his face. We finally fucking kissed.

Just as everything sank in that we're finally kissing, I suddenly felt him pulling away, so I leaned back. He chuckled in between our kiss.

The fireworks spread above us, and as I looked up, I couldn't help but be thankful that I finally have this guy in my arms. And that's more than I could ask for.

I know I'll be able to face everything head-on, if it's with him.

the end.

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