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The following day, I entered the class with tentative confidence. Riwoo was already there, waving at me from the back, while the rest of my friends were huddled together, laughing in the corner.

"Good morning," Riwoo greeted. "What's up with the idiots?" I asked, pointing at the commotion. Riwoo peeked over and laughed.

"They're just planning what they'll do at the senior's camp." My eyes widened at the word I'd been yearning to hear all year. "A senior's camp? When?!" I excitedly shook Riwoo's shoulder. He quickly slapped my hands away.

"This Saturday. And you want to hear more good news? It's not a mountain hike. This time, the camp will happen near the beach." It felt as if all the heaviness I'd been feeling was lifted off my shoulders. I nearly hugged Riwoo out of sheer happiness.

"Taesan!" Woonhak called my name when our eyes met. "We're going to the beach!" he beamed excitedly. I chuckled at him.

"Do we look crazy?" I was shocked when Leehan stood next to me and whispered. He seemed embarrassed about their excited reactions earlier. I shook my head and gave him a smile, then wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

"Nah, everyone's as excited as we are. We've been waiting for this." I assured him. He chuckled and nodded. It's true, though. Senior's camp usually happens in the middle of the semester so senior students can take a break from school. It's usually led by PE advisors and includes tons of fun activities.

"When are you going to confess?" I suddenly removed my arm from his shoulder and gave him a slight glare. He laughed at my expression.

"I'm still thinking..."

"What about on Saturday? I heard there will be a fireworks show in the evening. It's a perfect romantic scene." He suggested, even winking at me.

"You think it'll work?"

"You've got to be brave. It will be fine; who wouldn't like you?" He tried to reassure me, but that made my heart flutter a million times more than it should have.

After lunch, I went to the library to think and plan whether I should confess or not. I needed some time alone, so I pretended to feel unwell while we played volleyball again. They immediately sent me off, scared I might get hit again for the second time.

I quickly grabbed the chance and found myself in a secluded area between the last two shelves at the back. It was far from the desks and the entrance. I leaned against the wall, put on my headphones without music, and closed my eyes, signaling that I wasn't up for a conversation at the moment.

As I imagined what might happen on Saturday evening if I confessed, I thought about whether I should do it in front of our classmates. No, that would be embarrassing and traumatizing if I got rejected straight away. Should I just drag Leehan somewhere else and quickly confess my feelings, then leave him there? No, that would be cowardly.

If I'm meant to confess, then I don't need to worry about finding the perfect moment. All I need is to muster the courage to look him in the eye and tell him I love him.

While I was thinking about all the possibilities, a muffled conversation suddenly caught my attention. I removed my headphones and started listening.

"...right? I like him so much. I'm so nervous. Can you help me..." I leaned in more.

"I'm pretty sure Leehan definitely likes you back. Have you seen his smile whenever he talks to you? Gosh, he looks so in love." Someone uttered dreamily. I hadn't realized how tightly I was holding the headphones until I felt a little pang of pain in my thumb.

My forehead creased as I stood up. I wasn't thinking straight at that moment. I turned to my neighboring shelves and found two girls giggling to themselves.

I stood next to them while they were busy talking about Leehan and being all delusional. What the hell? I picked up the thickest book I could find and slammed it shut with all my force. The loud thud echoed through the corners of the walls, and the two girls immediately stopped giggling.

When they turned to me, their eyes widened, and they gasped.

"T-Taesan!" The other girl pointed out. I'm pretty sure she's the one who likes my man. I'm really sure it's her.

"Oh, was that loud?" I asked innocently. They immediately shook their heads.

"No! No! B-But, did you hear what we were talking about?" She asked, fear and nervousness evident in her eyes.

"Fortunately, yes." I could see how they were both frozen in shock. Hah! Take that! I smiled sweetly at them, a very big sweet smile.

"But... sorry, girls, Leehan is already taken." I told them confidently. The other girl gasped again and shook her friend's shoulder.

"R-Really? B-By who?" She even stuttered. I smiled at the mischievous idea.

"You're looking at him right now." I muttered and quickly left, leaving them in awe.

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