Instant Coffee

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  There was chicken soup stewing in the earthen pot, and the aroma filled not only the kitchen, but also the yard.

  Tang Jun tied an apron around her waist and quickly cut the lotus root into small pieces and stewed it in the chicken soup.

  Then pinch the wet dough into small pieces and stick them on the wall of the pot to make pot stickers.

  Tang Yue added some firewood to the bottom of the pot, took a deep breath of the rich fragrance in the air, and joked: "Brother is good at both being a lady in the living room and cooking in the kitchen. Whoever marries him in the future will be blessed."

  Tang Jun blushed at her teasing: "What's the point of talking about marriage or not? You little girl, you're not ashamed. By the way, the coffee you gave me last night really worked after I drank it."

  In the past, when I was reading at night, I would feel sleepy as soon as the hour of Hai came. Yesterday, after drinking that black drink, I felt full of energy and more excited than during the day. I read until the hour of Zi without feeling sleepy. It is so effective.

  Some people are sensitive to coffee, while others are not. It seems that Tang Jun is the former.

  Tang Yue asked in surprise: "Really?"

  Tang Jun nodded: "I memorized the most books last night, and I didn't feel sleepy until the end of midnight."

  Tang Yue smiled: "That's good, since it works for you, I'll make more after dinner."

  The brother and sister cooked together and chatted.

  "Brother, people in Chang'an City love to buy the desserts I make. Does that mean I'm a good cook?" Tang Yue asked with a smile.

  I couldn’t even cook before, but now I can make delicious desserts.

  According to her, she bought a pastry cookbook from a bookstore, and since she had a talent for this, she suddenly got the idea.

  When people encounter misfortunes, they may either sink forever or be reborn. Tang Jun thought that Tang Yue was probably the latter.

  He couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth. He was very proud of his sister in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud, fearing that she would be proud: "The study where I work is in Yongpingfang, just two blocks away from Xishi, but I have never seen anyone from Yongpingfang buy your desserts. This shows that Ayue is not famous enough."

  Tang Yue smiled bitterly: "How can it be so fast? My desserts haven't even spread all over the West Market. But don't worry, brother, I will definitely expand my dessert business throughout Chang'an City!"

  Tang Jun praised: "What a great ambition."

  Tang Yue was complimented and felt proud for a while, but suddenly she remembered something: "Brother, they say that scholars, farmers, merchants and artisans are the lowest class. I don't care about status, but will my being a businessman affect your imperial examination?"

  She didn't know much about the imperial examination system of the Qianlong period, so she asked this question.

  Tang Jun gave her a reassurance: "You are my sister, not my mother. You can't affect my imperial examination. As for my sister being a businessman, I don't mind. Although it can't change my sister's status for the time being, I will not let my sister suffer such grievances when I pass the imperial examination in the future."
Tang Yue laughed when she heard him say this seriously. As a person from the later generations, she didn't think there was anything wrong with being a businessman and didn't care about these things. But after hearing what Tang Jun said, she still laughed and said, "I want to be the top scholar's sister in the future."

I Became Rich after selling Desserts in Ancient TimeWhere stories live. Discover now