Sam Golbach

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WARNING: This story ends with a cliffhanger, and contains philosophical questions and other things about the afterlife. This book might have a different view then you do.

Have fun reading.

4 Friends?- Check.

A ghost-hunt trip? -Check.

One, unforgettable night in the Netherlands?- Check.

As the plane made its final approach intoSchiphol Amsterdam, Sam Golbach stared out the window. Heavy rain was pouringfrom the sky onto the window. "People weren't lying when they said it's shittyweather in the Netherlands." Sam chuckled. Sam's best friend, Colby Brock, stretchedhis neck across Sam's space. "Jezus Christ." He peered out the window. "Ididn't expect it to be THAT shitty." Colby leaned back in his seat looking overat his side, seeing their best friends, Jake Webber and Johnnie Guilbert. Theywe're also looking out the window, complaining about the weather. They bustledthrough the airport with their bags, heading to the rental car facility, acharged excitement buzzing through Sam's veins. They came to the receptionwhere a woman was talking with a colleague. Once they reached the counter thewoman turned her head towards them. Jake frowned and looked at Colby as thewoman started speaking Dutch. "Uhm, sorry we don't speak your language, do youspeak English?" Jake asked. "Yeah, a little bit." The woman said with a flataccent. "What I was saying, how can I help you gentleman?" The woman asked. "Werented a car, on the name Golbach?" Sam asked. The woman went on her computer tosearch it. "Ah, yeah I see the reservation, a Volkswagen?" Sam nodded. "Alrightgo ahead and follow my colleague, he will lead you to the car. Have fun!" Thewoman said as her colleague walked towards us. We followed him to the car, hegave us some instructions before handing over the key. "Be careful with drivingand have fun. Goodbye!" He said as he walked away back to the reception. "Whatare we waiting for? Let's see the Netherlands, baby!" Colby climbed into thepassenger seat, as two older men standing on the curb shot him unamused looks. Colbytended to have this effect on people. "Quiet down, troublemaker." Sam laughed."Yeah, Colby, gosh." Jake slapped him over the head from the back seat whileJohnnie laughed. "Ah, shut up, all three of you." Colby opened up Maps and hitGO on their destination. Begin route to...28 De Twee Morgen, 4196 JT Tricht, Sirisaid. After an hour of driving with loud music, they parked the car at thedestination. It was a really nice white house. When the four friends steppedout of the car Colby pointed to the roof of the house. "Look, a raven." Theother guys looked up at the roof. "Wait...Seeing a raven might be a warning ofbad luck or an upcoming loss in your life." Sam said. "Dude I literally gotchills right when you said that." Jake said looking over at the raven. Whensuddenly a man approached. "Hello gentleman, welcome to the twee morgen." Theman said with a friendly smile as he shook Sam's hand. "My name is Peter, I'mthe owner of the house." Peter said. "I'm Sam, this is Colby, and those twoemo's right there are Jake and Johnnie." Sam joked, Johnnie shot a glare atSam. Peter chuckled. "well, I'll show you around, follow me." Peter said as hewalked towards the house, the four friends following him. During the tour, Samhad been feeling uneasy. He didn't know if it was because of the raven they sawor if it was something in his mind. After Peter showed them around the housethey waved him goodbye as he left. "I'm going to search a bit more informationover this place. The raven we have seen a day before we are going to go ghosthunting is unexplainable." Colby said. "Alright brother, but we better partytonight." Jake exclaimed. Johnnie chuckled as he playfully elbowed Jakes arm. Colbysat down on the couch with his laptop. "Ah shit, did we get the Wi-Fi code?"Colby asked. Sam looked around, then seeing a card on the dining table. "Righthere, it's 342.." Sam started. Colby typed in the code while Sam read it out."Yup it worked, thank you."

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