Colby Brock

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"Colby..." There was the voice again. Colby slightly tensed up a bit but stayed calm and focused on the voice. "Go on you guys..." Colby frowned. "What do you mean..." He whispered. "Come to the Lingeborgh...I need you..." Colby took a deep breath. "Colby? Who are you whispering to?" Jake asked. Jake's voice helped him to get out of the trance of the voice. "sorry...I heard the voice again and this time...It told me something different." Colby said anxiously. "What did it say?" Sam asked as his gaze was still on the road. "Something like...'go on you guys'...and 'Come to the Lingeborgh, i need you...' It's freaking me out dude." Colby could see the frown on Sams face through the rearview mirror. "That's some fucked up shit man..." Johnnie spoke. Soon they arrived at the destination. Colby felt chills when he looked at the building. It was a pretty tall and big building, it had broken windows and looked really abandoned. There was a lot of mold on the outside and even grass began growing on the walls. "Holy shit..." Sam mumbled as he parked the car. The four friends got out and looked around. "This whole place is making me feel uneasy already..." Colby spoke anxiously. "Where did the guide told you to meet him?" Jake asked Sam. "At the front entrance." Sam said. They got their bags out of the car and walked up to the front entrance seeing a person waiting for them. When the approached a raven flew from the roof in the darkness. "Hello gentlemen." The man spoke with quite a deep voice. He shook their hands before continuing. "My name is Steve, Steve Mudder." He said. "Nice to meet you too...I'm Colby, this is Sam, that is Jake and that right there is Johnnie." Colby said as he pointed to each of them. "So what makes you guys come here to investigate?" Steve asked. "We are ghost hunters, we usually film and put it on YouTube." Sam said with a friendly smile. "Yeah...So as I told you on the phone, filming isn't allowed." Steve said kind of sternly. "Don't mind me asking but, why not?" Colby asked. "Let's just say...We don't want a lot of tourists coming here...Definitely not after the incident." Steve said a bit anxiously. "What incident?" Jake asked. "A few months ago a guy, around the age of 20, went to investigate here on his own. I even asked him if he wanted me to come with him, but he wanted to go alone for the 'thrill'. It didn't end that well for him...He went missing and never came back." Steve spoke. Colby's eyes widened. They heard a similar story from the man with the eyepatch, but hearing it from the tour guide himself sent chills down Colby's spine. "But you guys are with four, I don't think anything could go wrong..." Steve said still a bit hesitantly. "But let's get this tour started." Steve said, gesturing for them to follow him. The four friends started following him through the building, It was pretty dark, making it even more scary. "Trust him..." Colby heard the voice again, this time in a whisper. As Steve was talking he couldn't focus. The voice became louder, as if it was an actual person. "Yo Colby, are you okay?" Sam whispered not to disturb the tour guide. "I'm fine...It's just the voice that's back..." Colby whispered back trying to forget about what the voice had said. Sam nodded and listened back to the tour guide, sometimes glancing at Colby to check on him. 

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