Colby Brock

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The next morning Colby woke up to a croak. He sat up on his bed and stretched a bit before standing up and walked over to the window. He pushed the curtains aside as he looked out the window. "What the fuck..." He muttered to himself. He saw a raven sitting in the tree next to the window, staring right in Colby's eyes. "What are you doing dude." Sam asked with a husky voice, he was in the bed next to Colby's, and woke up from the curtain being opened. "I woke up from a croak, and look, the raven is back." Colby said pointing out to the window. Sam slowly stood up and walked towards him. "Wait what?" Sam said with a frown looking at the raven. "It looks like it's literally watching us." Colby said to Sam with confusion in his voice. Sam ran his hand through his hair as he sighed. "We're probably just going crazy." Sam stated. "That's true, but still...It freaks me out." Colby said without turning his gaze away from the raven. As if he felt that the raven wanted to say something, or at least leave a message. Sam snapped his fingers in front of Colby. "Hello? Colby snap out of it." Sam spoke. Colby blinked a couple of times. "Sorry, just got lost in thoughts." Colby said while turning his gaze away from the raven. "Are you okay though?" Sam asked with a bit of a concerned tone. "Yeah...Yeah I'm okay." Colby said as he sat down on the edge of his bed. "It's just...I feel like that raven has a certain message for us..." Colby said as he looked at the ground, still in his thoughts. Sam sat down next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure it's nothing, and even if something happens, we're with 4 Colby." Sam said. Colby nodded. "Your right, thanks man, seriously." Colby said with a soft smile as he looked at Sam. Sam patted his back two times. "Anytime man, anyways, let's go see if the others are awake." Colby stood up along with Sam as they walked out of the room and down the stairs to the living room. "Guess they are still asleep." Colby said as he looked around. "You never know, they can also be outside smoking." Sam said as he walked up to the back door. "Nope, your right, they are asleep." Sam chuckled. Colby shrugged. "Didn't really expect otherwise, what time is it anyways?" Colby asked more to himself. He looked over at the clock. "9 in the morning." He spoke. "Yeah, those two usually sleep till 12 in the morning." Sam chuckled. "What are we going to eat for breakfast though?" Colby asked as he look through the fridge. "We got nothing." He added. "Let's just wait for Jake and Johnnie to wake up and we'll think about it together." Sam said. After time passed, Johnnie walked down the stairs, along with Jake. The four friends sat at the dining table discussing about what to do for the day. As they planned everything out, Jake went outside to smoke, and Colby followed him just to chill a bit. "Dude fuck off..." Colby mumbled seeing the raven in another tree, looking straight in his eyes. "You good brother?" Jake asked as he blew a cloud of smoke out of his mouth. "It's just..." Colby trailed off. "Colby..." He heard a whisper. Colby jumped back. "Dude, I swear to god I just heard a fucking voice." He said, his voice slightly shaking. "Woah dude your panicking, are you okay?" Jake said as he put a hand on Colby's shoulder. "We have to let the other know." Colby said, his voice shaking.

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