Sam Golbach

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Sam could notice how Colby was struggling with the voice. It still didn't sit right with Sam, Colby hearing a voice that was saying not to go here, a guy that went missing after he went in here, and them not being allowed to film. It all sounded mysterious and weird. "This is the classroom where the murder started, a lot of trauma was caused in here." Steve said. "Jesus...I can really feel the heaviness in here." Sam said. They walked further through the hallways. "Also, to let you guys know, this place is known for seeing shadows." Steve said. "Shadows..." Sam spoke under his breath. The tour guide stopped at a specific place. "Now, I've waited awhile to tell you guys this, and I swear it will blow your mind." Steve said. Sam frowned in confusion. "At Madison Seminary, a location you guys also were at. I was touring around as well, there were three teenagers, they were really cool. At one point in that night they came running downstairs. Saying: 'you have to hear this right now." The tour guide took out his phone and showed a video. The three teenagers were using the spirit box, a spirit box is a handheld electronic device used by paranormal investigators they work by scanning through radio rates in real-time, creating a stream of white noise and audio fragments. Others detect conservational readings such as EMF (electromagnetic energy). The idea is that entities can manipulate these frequencies to generate coherent responses to questions posed by the investigator. Soon they heard the spirit box saying 'Sam and Colby'. "Wait what?" Sam said in pure disbelief. "Now were going to get even weirder, I've always pondered, time is human construct, right? We made it, we figured out a date." Steve said. "When people investigate hauntings, we don't know what the hell was here when giving time. Now again, time is a human construct, erase that for a second." Steve took a pause before continuing. "You are now making known where you're going, how do we know were not communicating with the future?" Steve said. "Woah..." Colby said as his eyes widened. "Ah I just got chills..." Sam said. "What if we are already haunting the future and the future is manipulating the past." Steve said. The four friends stood silent, all in shock and surprise. After the tour they went back to the main entrance. "Well gentleman, I wish you a lot of good luck...And be careful..." He spoke low before he left, even without saying goodbye. Sam frowned and looked at the others as he sighed. "Let's go then." Sam said as they began to walk back to the entrance...Until..."Guys..." Colby spoke anxiously as he looked up on the roof. "What is i-" Sam cut himself off as he looked up as well. "Ravens..." Johnnie spoke. "Wait hold up, those are four ravens, and there are four of us..." Sam said with a frown. "What the fuck..." Jake muttered under his breath. "Let's just get inside." Colby said as he already began walking. The rest followed him inside. As they went inside they started at the ground floor, with an EMF reader. An EMF reader is a device that measures the strength and rate of electromagnetic fields in the location. People use it with ghost hunting as the ghosts have a certain electromagnetic field in them. As they walked around in the hallways suddenly the EMF reader spiked from green to red, meaning that there was something there. "Alright...Something is in here with us..." Sam said as he saw the light from the EMF reader go from green to red, and again back to green. "Can you make this light blink to red again to confirm that your here?" Sam asked. After waiting for a few seconds the EMF reader light blinked to red. "Woah...I've never seen it react so fast." Colby said. "Me neither." Sam added. Right when they stopped talking it stopped blinking and just stayed on green. Suddenly they heard a loud thud in a classroom. "What was that?" Jake asked as he looked at the classroom. Johnnie also looked at the classroom but quickly looked away. "Woah..." Johnnie muttered under his breath as he looked at the ground and rubbed his forehead. "Johnnie are you okay?" Jake asked. Johnnie didn't say anything and just shook his head no. "Do you want to go outside for a bit?" Sam asked. This was a usual thing, when Sam and Colby brought guests they always wanted the guests to feel safe. "No it's fine..." Johnnie said as he took a deep breath in, and out. "Did you see something?" Colby asked as he put a hand on Johnnie's shoulder. "I don't know...It could be my own imagination..." He said as he still looked at the ground. "Want to talk about it?" Sam asked. "So...I saw this woman...Pretty tall, in a long white dress." Johnnie explained. "Was it like a shadow?" Colby asked. "Yeah...Something like that..." Johnnie answered. "Wait the tour guide literally told us that this place is known for seeing shadows." Sam said. Colby nodded. "Yeah that's true, do you feel okay though?" Colby asked Johnnie. "Yeah I was just a bit freaked out, nothing else." Johnnie said as he looked up from the floor. 

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