Colby Brock

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Colby searched up the place 'Geldermalsen', the place where the haunted school was. After a bit of reading Colby called out to the other guys. "Yo guys! I just found out that few years ago, there had been a murder in that specific school. It's said that It's still haunting the place, due to the trauma." Colby said being a bit shocked. "Do you think that has to do with the raven a few moments back?" Jake asked Colby. "I'm not sure...I'll read further." Colby said as he turned back to his laptop. "The school was called the 'Lingeborgh'." Colby read further in his head only to stop at a specific sentence. "One of the teachers is still alive and guides tours." Colby said with wide eyes as he looked over to Sam who was on the couch next to him. "Yo...that's some interesting shit bro." Sam said. "Do you think I should try and contact that person? I mean then we don't have to sneak in or anything." Colby said. "Yeah, sounds good." Sam responded. Colby searched through the website for a phone number. "Ah, here it is." Sam said pointing at the screen as he took his phone out and dialed the number. Jake and Johnnie went outside to smoke as Sam called the guide. "Hello?" Sam asked through the phone. Colby couldn't hear the voice on the other line, only Sam's responses. "Sam Golbach." Sam said. "Yeah, I came here with three other friends as we heard about an abandoned, haunted school. We are youtubers who film ghost hunting videos." Sam explained. "Yeah, alright I get that, can we still investigate without filming?" Sam asked. "Alright, what time?" Sam asked. "Alright see you then, bye." Sam said as he hung up with a sigh. "And?" Colby asked. "We are not allowed to film sadly, but we can still investigate even without filming." Sam explained. Colby hummed. "Alright, why can't we film though? Is it that haunted or what?" Colby asked. Sam shrugged. "We'll ask him tomorrow, tomorrow at 9 o'clock in the evening." Sam said. Colby nodded as he went back to reading about the place. "They are saying that the murder that took place, isn't solved yet. Even if it was 50 years ago, they still have mutable suspects." Colby read aloud. "Ooo we might be able to fix a murder mystery." Sam responded. "Murder mystery? I've missed a part of the story." Jake said as he and Johnnie came back inside from smoking. "Yeah, cause your ass always has to smoke hm?" Colby spoke jokingly as Jake threw him the middle finger. After Sam explained the situation, they talked about it for a bit. "I still found it weird that we can't film..." Colby spoke with a frown. "Yeah, it's like they don't want everyone to know how haunted it is." Sam responded. "The only information we have found is that there was a murder before it became abandoned, and that ghosts roam the place." Jake spoke while he fidgeted with his fingers. "Wait, maybe we can ask some villagers around here if they know anything about it." Johnnie suggested. "That's actually really smart to do." Colby said as he stood up and looked at his watch. "It's 2PM right now, which means we can go now." Colby chimed. The others looked at each other but then stood up. "Alright let's get some answers!" Sam beamed. The four friends walked out of the house, Colby came last and locked the door. "Wait look, there is the raven again." Sam reported. "What? Seriously?" Colby asked as he walked backwards from the door while looking up. The big raven was standing on the chimney while croaking loudly. "It might be a coincidence though." Jake spoke while looking up at the raven. "a coincidence? We are now literally looking at a raven before leaving to ask villagers about the hauntings, is that really a coincidence?" Colby asked in an annoyance tone. "Alright, but still, you guys might ghost hunt too much." Johnnie added. 

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