Sam Golbach

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The four friends went out into the village to see if they could find people to ask about the school. As they walked into the village it was quite empty. They saw two elderly man sitting on a bench, one had an eyepatch and the other looked a bit annoyed at them. "Should we ask them?" Sam asked to the rest, even though he was kind of hesitant to go. "Yeah, I mean they are the only people out here now." Colby responded. They walked towards the men and stood in front of them. "Hello, my name is Sam, is it okay if we ask a question?" Sam asked. The man with the eyepatch looked up through his eyebrow, seeming a bit intimidating. "Sure." The man said with a deep tone. "Well, we are here because we heard about an abandoned school...Do you know anything about it?" Sam asked. The two-man looked at each other, even though the one with the eye patch probably wanted to seem intimidating, there was a hint of fear in his eyes. "You mean...The Lingeborgh?" He stammered. "Yes, do you know anything about it?" Jake asked. "I.... why do you want to know?" The man asked sternly. "We are here to investigate it, we do ghost hunting." Sam said slightly intimidated by the man. "You are making big mistakes by going there..." He warned the four friends. Sam looked at his friends with the 'what the fuck' look. "Why is it so dangerous there?" Sam asked. The man sighed. "There's rumors spreading witch." The man spoke. "A witch?" Johnnie snorted. "They don't even exist." Jake chimed in. "That's what a lot of people guy has been missing...they haven't found him back ever since he went in that school." The man spoke. Sam's eyes widened. A guy was missing after he went in that school? That's weird. The man stood up with the other man. "I have to go..." he spoke nervously. Sam frowned. "Alright, have a good day sirs..." Sam said with a bit of confusion in his voice. The two men left leaving the four guys stand there, in confusion. "Well, that was weird." Johnnie said to break the silence. "Yeah...why was he so mysterious?" Sam asked more to himself then the others. "I don't know but I feel like we should go back to the house." Colby spoke. "Yeah, I agree." Sam said. Jake and Johnnie nodded, and the four friends walked back, still, with a lot of confusion in them. As they came back Johnnie threw himself in the couch, Jake on the other couch and Sam and Colby sat down on the dining table. "I don't get all of this shit man." Jake spoke looking over at Sam and Colby from the couch. "Me neither, I still have a feeling they know were outsider, so they try to scare us." Sam informed. "True...But still, he said a guy literally went missing after he went in there." Colby spoke with a hint of fear in his voice. "I don't know man...All these stories just gives me chills." Sam said as he shuddered a bit. "Let's just order some food and focus on something else, we have till tomorrow evening, so why worry now?" Johnnie said. "Yeah, your right, let's see if we van order some food." Sam said as he took his phone out of his pocket and searched for places to order food. Soon he found a Domino's close by and ordered some pizza for them. 

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