Colby Brock

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Colby took his bag off of his shoulder, opened it and grabbed a flashlight out of it. "Alright this might give us better answers, it's a twist-on twist-off flashlight, we will put this somewhere on the ground. The spirits will be able to twist it on, and off, with their energy." Colby explained, putting the flashlight on the ground in one of the hallways and taking a few steps back to the rest. "If there is anyone, or anything here, could you turn on that flashlight?" Colby asked. They waited for a few seconds and the flashlight turned on. "Alright, thank you for confirming it." Colby said. They heard another thud in the same classroom. "Do you think the spirit we are talking to is making those thuds?" Colby asked Sam. Right when Colby asked that, the flashlight turned off. "It just confirmed it..." Sam said. "This is weird, I've never seen any of our equipment react that fast." Colby said. "Yeah, I remember we came with you guys the first day at the Stanley hotel, nothing of the equipment went off, even when we replaced new batteries." Jake said. Colby nodded and held his gaze back on the flashlight. "Is there anything evil in here?..." Colby asked hesitantly. "I swear if-" Sam said before he cut himself off as the flashlight turned on, meaning, something evil was with them. "Dude I literally just got goosebumps." Jake said showing his arms, and indeed, they were full of goosebumps. "Does the ravens have to do anything with it?..." Colby asked. "Turn the flashlight off if yes." Sam added. And of course, a few seconds after, the flashlight turned off. "Turn the flashlight on if we should investigate the classroom where we heard the thuds." Johnnie said hesitantly. After a few seconds the flashlight turned on again. "Looks like it really want us to go to that specific classroom, I mean the thuds, and now this." Colby said. Sam nodded and turned around to the classroom, gesturing for the rest to follow him. They walked over to the classroom and opened the door. Colby took out his flashlight and put it on shining it in the room. "Alright how about we do the Estes method in here?" Sam asked. The Estes method is used by paranormal investigators to get better answers. The person going under wears a blindfold and noise canceling headphones connected to the spirit box, whenever they hear a word or a sentence they say it out loud, the people around ask the questions. "Alright who is going under?" Colby asked. "I'll go." Jake said. Colby opened his bag and took the equipment out. He gave jake the noise canceling headphones, connected to the spirit box, and a blindfold. Jake sat down on a desk chair and put everything on. "Jesus this is loud." He said as he had the headphones on. "Alright I'll ask a question." Sam said. "Is there anybody here with us?" Sam asked. Colby could see how Jake was concentrating on the spirit box. 

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