Colby Brock

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Thescent of damp dirt hit his nostrils, forcing open his eyes. The barely lit roomswirled uneasily around him, but he couldn't concentrate. His head pounded fromthe pain. Not only could Colby not tell where he was, but he wasn't sure whatday it was either, what had happened, why he was here. He then heard dripping Itcould've been a beautiful sound had he not abruptly realized he wasunderground. And if he was underground somewhere with water droplets fallingfrom the ceiling, that meant he wasn't in the abandoned school. Theabandoned school. He bolted up straight, the back of his head smashingagainst a metal grate. Rotating on his bottom, he spotted the bars in thedarkness. Bars like jail, a cell, a cage. "What the fuck..." Colby muttered. Tohis horror, it was a prison cell. He counted the walls, five. Then he looked atthe floor. The corners of the walls were connected with lines. A pentagram.Not the only person in it, from what little he could see. Someone laid collapsedon their side. All of a sudden, he didn't care if anyone could hear him. He satup, curled his fingers around the cold bars, and yelled loudly. "HELLOOOO!" Theperson next to him roused and turned his head, facing Colby. Shock splinteredhis chest, as he realized it was Sam, eyes closed, dirt smeared over his cheek.It came back to him. They were in the abandoned school, the Lingeborgh, ghosthunting with their two other friends, Jake and Johnnie. He couldn't spot anysight of either Jake or Johnnie, which made him worry even more. He rememberedthe classroom where the ravens flew in and circled them. Colby couldn'tremember anything after that. Now here they were, both trapped and in pain.Colby crouched down next to Sam. "Sam?" Colby whispered, willing himself not tobreak into tears. They'd have to approach this with an even head, if possible,but the situation looked bad. "Sam, wake up..." Colby felt a small tear fallingdown his cheek. He hated seeing his best friend in pain, he just couldn't bareit. "Sam...Please, wake up man..."

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