Sam Golbach

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   Colby and Jake came back inside, Colby seeming stressed out. "Yo dude, you okay?" Sam asked. "No bro, the craziest thing just fucking happened." Colby said, his voice was shaking. He sat down at the dining table; his knee was anxiously bouncing up and down. "Okay...So you know that raven, right?" Colby asked. "Yeah, I do." Sam answered. "So...Right when I was staring it in its eyes, I heard a fucking whisper." Colby said as his voice was shaking a lot. "Wait what?" Johnnie chimed in. "Yes! This is why I have such a uneasy feeling around that raven." Colby said. Sam frowned as he listened. "You said you heard a whisper, right?" Sam asked. Colby nodded. "Did you hear what it said?" Sam asked. "Well...It only said my name..." Colby said as the anxious bouncing of his knee came to a halt. "What if it has a message for you?" Jake asked. Colby frowned. "A message?" Colby asked. "Yeah, I thought you would've seen it yourself since you ghost hunt a lot but okay." Jake spoke. "He does have a point..." Sam said as he began thinking. Colby stood up and walked back outside, seeing the raven was still there. "Colby? What are you doing?" Sam asked. "I'm trying to hear that voice again, because maybe it actually does have a message." Colby spoke as he closed his eyes and focused. The others stood there, silently watching. After a few moments Colby sighed. "Nope, I'm not hearing anything." He spoke with disappointment in his voice. "Maybe it doesn't want you to focus." Sam said. "Next time you hear a whisper try not to freak out and focus on the voice." Sam suggested. Colby nodded. "Yeah, that sounds like a smart idea." Colby said as he sat back down. "Still...This is some weird shit." Jake spoke. Right when Jake finished his sentence the raven flew away, a black feather falling right on the porch of the back door, where Colby heard the voice. For the rest of the day the four friends were chilling in the house, going outside and doing some more research on the school. Soon, time passed, and it was time to go. "Alright boys...It's close to 9PM, everyone ready?" Sam asked as he was done packing his bag with the ghost hunt equipment. "I'm ready for this." Colby said confidently. Johnnie chuckled. "I'm far from ready bro but okay." Jake went over and jokingly hugged Johnnie, it was something they always did. They always acted gay towards each other even though they weren't. "Let's go." Sam said as he walked towards the door, his three friends following him. As everyone walked out, Jake walked out last, and closed the door behind him. As they started to walk to the car they heard a croak again. "And there it is again..." Sam said looking up. The raven was sitting on the very top of the roof this time. "Let's just get in the car." Colby stated. The four friends walked over to the car and got in. Sam in the driver's seat, Colby in the passenger seat and Jake and Johnnie in the backseat. Sam started the car, a loud roar escaping the engine. He began driving as Colby typed the address in google maps. "it's only a 7 minute drive." Sam said as Colby clicked GO on the route. "Good, because I don't think I'll survive being in the car with you for over 10 minutes." Johnnie joked, to lighten the mood. "Yeah, yeah, I get it." Sam spoke sarcastically as he chuckled.

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