Sam Golbach

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"Hell." Jake said, well, the spirit box said. "Great...There's hell with us." Johnnie said sarcastically. "Do you like that we're here?" Colby asked. "No." The spirit box said through Jake. "Woah I heard like a loud croak." Jake said to the rest. Sam frowned and looked at Colby and Johnnie. "Wait...A croak...Wouldn't that define a raven?" Colby asked. Right when he finished his sentence, Jake spoke again. "Correct." The spirit box said. "Can you tell us something about the ravens?" Sam asked. After waiting a few seconds Jake responded. "bad." He said. Sam wanted to ask another question but the spirit box spoke again. "dangerous." It said. "What is so dangerous about this place?" Sam asked. A few seconds later it responded. "Satanic." The spirit box said through Jake. Sam's eyes widen and he tapped Jake's shoulder. Jake removed the headphones and blindfold. "Did you get good answers?" Jake asked. "Well...Yes..." Sam said still being shocked. He looked at Colby, seeing exact the same reaction in his eyes. "So you told us you heard a croak through the spirit box right?" Sam asked. Jake nodded. "Yeah I did." Jake said. Sam took a deep breath. "So afterwards I asked to tell us something about the ravens, it said bad, dangerous and...Satanic." Sam said. Jake's eyes widened and he looked over at Johnnie and Colby. "This shit is getting crazier..." Colby said with a nervous sigh. Sam took dowsing rods out of Colby's bag. Dowsing rods were sticks, in the shape of an L, when holding the two sticks the ghosts can use their energy and move the rods to cross, or to move away from each other. Sam held each rod in each hand. "Is there danger for us?" Sam asked straight away. Colby shook his head, gesturing for Sam not to do it. "Cross these rods for yes and move them away for no." Sam said sternly. After a few seconds the rods slowly crossed. "Dude i think we should stop this..." Colby mumbled. Suddenly the dowsing rods moved away from each other, meaning no. "It doesn't want us to stop..." Sam muttered Suddenly they heard a loud bang coming from the door. Sam looked over and saw that the door opened. "What the...I literally closed the door when we came in here..." Sam said. Then suddenly they heard a croak. "What the fuck..." Johnnie said. 4 Ravens flew in the classroom, followed by more. "Wait what the fuck!" Colby yelled out as the ravens were circling them, the noise of them flying being really loud. "What is happening?!" Sam yelled. It didn't take long when suddenly Sam's vision became blurry, his ears began ringing. Then his vision became black. 

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