Chapter 2

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I chuck on a random tee shirt and leggings with my red converse and dark red hoodie on. "Hey, did you guys think about letting me sleepover at Gerard and Mikey's?" I ask walking into the living room. "We think it'll be okay, but you guys have to sleep in separate rooms" dad says.

"Hey" I smile walking into the comic book shop, "hi!" They all chorused, "wow you guys are hyper" I laugh, and notice the empty coffee cups on the floor "ah, that explains it."

"So are you allowed to stay the night?" Mikey asks as we walk to his house, "yeah" I smile. "Hey, look it's the freaks!" Someone from school taunts, the guys put their heads down and keep walking but I turn around, flipping him off "fuck off" I yell and he looks surprised. "Mikey wasn't kidding when he said you kick arse!" Frank laughs, jumping around. I look at Mikey, whose trying his hardest to avoid looking at me.

"So what do we want to do?" Ray asks kicking his legs over the side of the arm chair, "20 questions?" Gerard suggests and we all agree. We decided that there wouldn't be a limit on questions and to decide who you had to ask we would spin an empty bottle. "Who goes first?" Frank asks "Gerard, because he suggested it" Mikey says. Gerard spins the bottle and it lands on me, "how come you never really hang out with anyone?" Gerard asks, "well I never really smile, which apparently puts people off, my anxiety sorta annoys people after a while... and have you met half the schools population?" I answer. "Heyy, you and Mikey have something in common! You barley smile!" Frank jokes, "yup. It's just you and me bud." I joke, leaning my elbow on Mikey's shoulder, but because we are seated on the two seater, which already had us sitting pretty close together, our faces are only a couple of inches apart.

"How come you use a lot of big words?" Frank asks "I read a lot, and sorry I thought you would have a big vocabulary, ya know to make up for your height" I laugh and hear Ray mumble burn. "Trust me, I may be small but not where it matters" Frank winks, "I'm sure Gerard would know" I say in between coughs, causing everyone to laugh.

"We should watch a movie" Frank suggests and we all agree, "okay but I might not be able to watch it" I say and the others look at me confused, "well it depends on how steady the camera is." "Blair Witch Project it is!" Gerard shouts, "unless you want whatever the closest object to me is through the TV, I don't think so" I remark and Gerard quickly decides against it.
They eventually decide on a movie, the camera shakes quite a bit, but I don't want to say anything. Half way through the movie I feel Mikey grab my hand "squeeze my hand if it gets to bad" Mikey whispers and I look at him gratefully.

We watched other movies until it got dark, Mikey never let go of my hand once.
We decide to just crash on the couches and leave to get changed. When we get back we take the same spots as before.

When I wake up Mikey and I are lying down, I'm pretty much lying on top of him and we're holding hands again. "Morning" he smiles, "morning" I repeat, sitting up. "You know you could've shoved me aside when you woke up?" I say and Mikey shrugs.
"What time do you have to be home?" Mikey asks, "10... Although I can leave earlier, if you want" I rush, not wanting to annoy them. "No, I like having you around" Mikey says causing me to blush.

Sorry this chapter is really short, it just sort of ended the way I had in mind. I'll try to make sure the next chapter at least 1000 words.
Thanks for reading.

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