Chapter 12; In which the author goes insane

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Song suggestion: Postcards And Polaroids by Sleeping With Sirens

Gina's POV
As I'm trying to get to sleep something starts knocking on my window, a small wave of panic surges through me as it becomes more frequent. I turn on my lamp and take a couple of deep breaths before parting my curtains. Mikey stands on the other side of the glass, soaking wet from the rain, I wave him back a few steps undo the latch and swing the window open. I let out a gasp as I see Mikey, his face is all scratched up and bruised, he also has a couple of cuts and dried blood surrounding those cuts. I hold my hand out, Mikey gratefully accepts my hand and clambers through my window.

"Are you okay? What happened?" I ask, sitting Mikey on the edge of my bed. "I was walking home and I passed Mitchell and his friends and they were talking shit about you, I told them to stop." I gently grab Mikey's jaw and make him look at me, "no matter what they say about me, I don't want you interfering. Not if this is what happens when you do." He shakes his head, "they have no right to talk about you like that!" "Mikey, I don't want you to get hurt for standing up for me!" I whisper yell. "Tough." Mikey huffs. Neither of us say anything for a minute, my eyes drift down to his lips and I decide to take a chance. Before I can fully think things through I lean in and peck Mikey on the lips, he looks shocked for a second and I start thinking of excuses. Mikey stands up and pulls me closer, he moves his hands to either side of my jaw and leans in, connecting our lips. I grab onto his sides, not caring about how damp his shirt is. There are no sparks or fireworks, but that doesn't matter because I wouldn't change this moment for anything in the world. We pull away and Mikey leans his forehead against mine, "can I stay the night?" He whispers, as much as I want to say yes and let him sleep in my bed I know my parents would freak out if they found a teenage boy sharing my bed.

"Mum. Mum, wake up." I shake her shoulder and she groans, "what's wrong?" "Mikey showed up at our house and he needs to stay the night." She turns on the lamp next to her and after my eyes adjust to the sudden brightness I see her confused and slightly skeptical face. "I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't important." I tell her, "wait in the lounge room, I'll need to know what's going on."
"I'm sorry for dragging you out of bed this late at night." Mikey apologies and mum shrugs, "it isn't your fault. But you are lucky my husband had to work tonight." It would definitely be more difficult explaining this to my tired and grumpy dad. "Do your brother or parents know?" He shakes his head and she tells him to call Gerard then go have a shower. "Can Mikey sleep in my room?" I ask and she sighs. "Fine, but you need to set up the mattress... And one of you actually needs to use it."

Mikey wakes me up (WAKE ME UP INSIDE [I CANT WAKE UP] WAKE ME UP INSIDE [SAVE MEE]) halfway through the night, "I'm sorry." I sit up and Mikey sits next to me, "why are you sorry?" "I thought I was protecting you by ignoring you but that didn't change anything..." Mikey sighs, rubbing his temples. I awkwardly sit there, unsure of what to do or say. Thinking back to all the movies I watch I decide to give Mikey a hug, I put my arms over his shoulders and pull him towards me, he wraps his arms around my lower back and rests his forehead on my shoulder. We stay like this till it gets uncomfortable, "I know your mum said we have to sleep in different beds but-" "my mum can deal with it." I say and he laughs.

Another shorter chapter (sorry), (not really)... (but really). I bet you're also wondering about the title, well, I got barely any sleep last night and even though it's only 11 I can already tell I'm not gonna get much tonight. Another chapter will be out by Sunday (at the latest).
Thanks for reading!

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