Chapter 14

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"Gina, how were the others?" Dad asks as I enter the house.

"Good." I mumble, making sure my jacket is covering my mouth. "I'm actually really tired so I'm gonna go to bed..." I excuse myself before fast walking to my room.

I close my bedroom door behind me and sigh, I make my may to my mirror, pulling off my jacket and discarding it on the floor. "I am so dead." I mumble, looking at my new snakebites. After we left the tattoo parlor we all went back to Frank's house and I may have expressed how much I want snakebites but my parents won't let me get them, and Frank may have offered to do it himself, and I may have accepted...

A knock on my bedroom door rips me from my thoughts, "shit." I quietly curse, trying to quickly grab my jacket off the floor.

Mum opens the door, "Gin-" she stops as she notices my knew piercings.

"Uhm, I..." Before I can get another word out she turns and walks away, slamming my bedroom door behind her.


To: Mikey
I think my parents are going to murder me...

From: Mikey
Told you that you shouldn't have gotten something so easy to notice.

To: Mikey
But I have my stomach pierced, and I don't want an ear piercing...

From: Mikey
You have your stomach pierced?
And, do they know you got the piercing from a small emo with a needle(while three other idiots nearly fainted)?

To: Mikey
I do, it's just a stud though
And no, they don't know right now... they were wayy to mad already, but I think they'll murder both me AND you guys.

I throw my phone on my bed, trying to decide if I want to chance facing my parents. I decide that I should go out and get some ice for my lip, when I get to the living room my parents quiet their conversation and stare at me.

"Did you get it done properly at least?" Mum asks, breaking the silence.

"One of my friends did it." I tell them, wishing I stayed in my room.

"Jesus." Dad sighs, shaking his head.

I take that as the end of the conversation and fast walk into the kitchen, getting an ice pack and making my way back to my room.


I take a deep breath before pressing send on the message, immediately wishing I didn't send it. I pull my knees to my chest as I see the group chat explode in messages.

Gerard: Gina, why did you send this?

Frank: Gerard you idiot, isn't it a little obvious?

Gerard: I didn't want to make any assumptions Frank

Ray: Boys, I don't think now is the time to be arguing

Gerard: Sorry

Frank: Yeah, sorry

No one else sends anything for a minute before Mikey's message comes through.

Mikey: Gina... do you have aspergers?

I nervously type a reply, pretending not to notice how much I'm shaking.

Me: I do...

I rest my phone on the bed in front of me, anxiously starring at it, waiting for their reaction.

A couple of minutes go by with no one replying, making me regret sending the first message. They aren't going to reply. You've ruined your friendship with them, they won't want to hang around someone like you. I bite my lip, praying that I'm not right, that they just don't know what to say.

My phone buzzes, the screen lighting up. As I pick it up I notice that Gerard sent me a private message.

From: Gerard
I thought I should let you know, Mikey is sneaking out and I can only assume that he's going to your house.

Another message comes through, from Mikey this time.

From: Mikey
Make sure your window is unlocked, I'm coming over.


Without saying a word Mikey starts climbing through my window, "hi." He smiles before falling forward, onto my floor.

"Are you okay?" I ask, trying not to laugh.

"I guess you could say I'm... falling for you." He grins proudly, too proudly.

"That was an awful pun" I groan as he stands up and fixes his shirt.

"You love it." His smile fades a little as he walks closer to me and pulls me into a hug. I rest my forehead on his chest. "Are you alright?"

"I guess... I was actually really nervous that you guys wouldn't want to be my friends anymore." I admit, closing my eyes to stop them from watering.

Mikey hugs me a little tighter and kisses the top of my head, "we would never stop being your friend for something you can't help." He assures me, I pull my head away from his chest and smile.

Mikey's POV
"Can I... kiss you?" I ask, blushing slightly. Gina looks at me shyly, nodding her head a little, I close my eyes and lean in, gently kissing her. I pull away enough to rest our foreheads together.

"Please don't leave me..." She moves her head so it's resting on my chest again.


Not really related to the story, but late last year I discovered that I'm genderfluid, so instead of going by Mae/Maeve I now go by Oliver(or Oli).
Thanks for reading!

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