Chapter 5

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There is texting in this chapter, so some of the words will be misspelled/shortened/no apostrophes/(maybe) no capitals, I did that because even though I text the same way I write, I know a lot of others don't.
Also I would really appreciate it if you could leave a comment on wether or not the texting bit was easy to understand, thanks.

"Hey" Gerard calls, snapping out of the chapter, "we're about to leave..." He awkwardly states, "okay." "I'm sorry" Gerard and I say at the same time. "I shouldn't have snapped, especially since you were standing up for me" Gerard apologises, "it's fine. You can stand up for yourself, you don't need someone to. It was rude of me to just assume you would want me to" Gerard shakes his head "no. You did nothing wrong, and you did help."
"So did you two kiss and make up?" Ray asks, making a kissy face. "Minus the kissing part" I pull a face, "you do wonders for my self esteem Gina!" Gerard let's out a dramatic sigh, "I try my best" I joke.

When I get home I get a weird feeling in my stomach, normally when it does this something bad happens. "See you tomorrow" I wave at them then turn to go inside. "Gina, can we talk?" Dad asks, oh no... "We got a call from the school, they told us you aren't paying attention in any of your classes, instead you're always writing in some sort of notebook... They said that if this continues you won't pass any tests, which means you won't be able to graduate." "Can't I just drop out?" I ask, "I could get an apprenticeship early and-" mum lets out a big sigh, cutting me off. "I thought you were going to collage?" I look down at my feet. It's their dream for me to go to collage, mine is to get a photography apprenticeship and work on my writing on the side. But I can't tell them that I don't want to go to collage, I try to but they don't listen, or I lose my ability to properly voice my thoughts. "Now because of this, we want give you a punishment but we'll need to decide it." Dad gives me a look. "Okay... I'm going to the park" I sigh and they don't argue, they know the only time I go to the park is if I really need to get out of my head.

A reason I love photography so much; its like looking through a portal to another world (similar to why I like writing). I sit crossed legged on the grass under the shade of a tree, looking through the viewfinder and occasionally taking photos. I see people in the distance, most of them are in groups, but there's one boy standing on his own. I snap a couple of photos of him before taking a few photos of the broken playground. "Hey" I look up and see the boy I was taking photos of before, Mikey. "You okay?" He asks and  I shrug, "my parents got a call from the school, they threatened to hold me back unless I start paying attention in class. They mentioned the future, I told them I don't want to go to collage, they told me that I am going to collage and I was unable to argue back" I sigh, "if you need support or anything you can come to me" I smile at Mikey, "thank you."
"Lemme take a few photos!" Mikey reaches for my camera, "okay. Just don't drop it" I warn. He takes a couple of photos of trees, then moves onto the sunset behind me. "Am I in the way?" I ask, he shakes his head, trying not to lose concentration.
"I should probably get going" I sigh, "do you want a lift home?" Mikey asks. "If it's not to much trouble" I say, "not at all. Now let's go!" Mikey smiles, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the car.

I grab my old laptop and plug in my camera. The only reason I still use this laptop is to look at my pictures, although it's not like I could use it for anything else because it doesn't run anything, you need to have the charger plugged in all the time and it's pretty ancient. I get to the photos I took of Mikey, his hands are in his jean pockets and he's looking at the ground, the shot is focusing on the ground so Mikey is blurry. I go through a couple more pictures before I find the ones Mikey took. One of his picture surprises me: It's me, my hair is slightly windswept and my eyes are closed. The focus is on me but the sunset is clear in view, and the light from the sun is reflecting on my face.
Me: I saw the photo you took of me, it's amazing!! Was that the right thing to say? Did that make me sound to weird? Oh god I shouldn't have sent it! Mikey: Thanks, I wasnt sure if you would like it... I feel my cheeks heat up. Me: No, its great. If your career of choice doesn't work out, id be happy to help you get into photography, youre definitely a natural at it :). I shouldn't have done the smily face. Mikey: haha, im not that good... i can only take nice photos when the scene itself looks nice. Did that mean he thinks I look nice? No, I must be reading that wrong. Mikey: Although you have gotten me to dig out an old camera... so im blaming it on you. I can't help but grin at that. Me: I'll only take the blame if you promise to show me the photos you take. The message gets a little tick to show its been seen, but he doesn't reply. "He has his own life that doesn't revolve around you" I whisper to myself. I know he probably just had to do something else, but somewhere in my head a voice is telling me I sounded to desperate. Me: See you tomorrow. I decide to just try and go to sleep.

I want to dedicate this chapter to:   jackyskitten for voting. Another chapter should be up over the next couple of days.
Thanks for reading!

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