Chapter 13

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I MET FRANK IERO AND HE PLAYED TWO SONGS AND... UGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Sorry, needed a minute to fangirl).
Also, I've changed the writing style for this story, please comment if it's confusing/doesn't make sense.

I wake up in Mikey's arms, I can't help the butterfly's that appear in my stomach and the small smile that makes its way onto my face. I feel like squealing, last night I kissed Mikey Way, and he kissed me back! I manage to get out of bed without waking Mikey and decide to make coffee.

When I get back to my room Mikey's waking up. "I made coffee." I tell him, putting his cup on my bedside table.

"You're the best." He yawns, putting his glasses on.

"I know" I grin, sitting on the end of my bed. "Are you gonna go to uni?" I randomly ask.

"This is about your parents. Isn't it?" I nod and he sighs. "Just tell them you don't want to-"

"I... it isn't that easy, they interrupt me and they tell me that I can do better than photography and writing. And yeah, maybe I would go to take a couple of writing courses but I want to learn about photography hands on and- what?" I ask, looking at Mikey who's smiling at me.

"Nothing... Nothing." He shakes his head slightly, the smile not faltering


I walk into the overcrowded cafeteria and see Mikey, Ray, Gerard and Frank. I quickly scan the rest of the cafeteria and spot Mitchell taunting a random year 9. I look back at the others and they've noticed me now, I smile at them before walking over to Mitchell. I feel the rest of the cafeteria turning to look at me, no one goes near Mitchell unless they have a death wish. I tap him on the shoulder and he turns to look at me, I pull my fist back and swing it as hard as I can at his face, hitting his jaw. "Stay away from my friends." I say, my voice echoing in the now silent room. I turn around and walk toward the others, who are staring at me in disbelief.

"Hi..." I awkwardly wave, unsure of the reaction. "Can we talk?.. Maybe somewhere the whole school isn't staring at me?" They all wordlessly nod, getting  up and leaving their half eaten lunches on the table.

"Can I just say, that was fuckin' awesome!" Frank cheers as we're walking down the hall, breaking the silence.

"It was really cool." Ray agrees.

"Are you scared that Mitchell is going to try and hurt you now?" Gerard asks and I shrug.

"Not right now... too much adrenaline." I explain.

As we're walking Mikey grabs onto my arm, making me slow down and letting the others pass us. "I know I apoloigised the other night, but I'm sorry."

"It's uh... it's fine." I mumble, not really sure how I should reply. He opens his mouth to say something but decides against it, smiling at me instead.


"You sure this is a good idea?" I ask, wearily glancing at the tattoo parlor in front of us.

"It'll be fine" Frank assures me before leading the others into the shop.

"You don't have to do this" Mikey reminds me after seeing my hesitance.

"It'll be fine" I repeat Frank's words, trying to convince myself more so than him. Mikey takes my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze before leading me into the main room of the tattoo parlor.

"Hey Frankie!" The man behind the counter grins, "come to get some more ink?"

Frank shakes his head and gestures towards me, "my friend wants a tattoo."

The guy behind the counter raises an eyebrow at me, "how old are you?"

I glance at the others, unsure what to say. "17" I eventually say.

"Thought so... you know I would Frank, but I can't unless she has parental permission."

Frank looks at me apologetically before noticing Mikey's hand linked with mine, "would it count if she calls Mikey her daddy?" Ray chokes on air and Gerard looks at us with a mix of disgust and humor.

"Frank!" I gasp and Mikey quickly pulls his hand away from mine.

The guy behind the counter struggles to contain his laughter as Frank innocently shrugs. "When's your birthday?" The guy behind the counter asks after he manages to stop laughing.

"The 23rd of May" I mumble.

"Come see me after your birthday and I'll give you one." He says, pulling a card out from behind the desk and scribbling his name onto it. "Of course, that's only if your daddy approves." He grins, passing the card to Frank who passes it to me.

Sorry about not updating in ages.
Is the new format okay? It's so much easier to write like this then the other way. I haven't changed the previous chapters to this writing style but I'll probably do that when I edit the book in general. Also, I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but right now in the story it's around March.
Thanks for reading!

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