Chapter 16

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Lainey and I sit in silence on my bed, a CD playing quietly in the background. "Does Mikey have a girlfriend?" Lainey asks, looking up from the magazine she was flicking through.

"Uhm, no, not really." I clear my throat, wishing I could've just lied and said he did. "Why are you asking?"

"He's kinda cute, what do you think?" She asks, ignoring my question.

"Yeah, I-I guess he's cute." I mutter.

"Do you think he'd go out with me?" She leans back so she's resting on my headboard.

"I don't... I don't know, we don't really talk about a lot of relationship stuff." I tell her, unsure of how else I could've answered. "Are you going to ask him out?"

"Maybe... I mean, you aren't bothered by it, are you?" Lainey asks, looking genuinely worried.

"No... I-I'm not" I shake my head, feeling like I'm incapable to say anything else.

"Oh, good!" She grins, "I wasn't sure if there was anything going on between you two." I smile at her, trying to push away the feeling of wanting to cry. "Shit. I should get going, thanks for inviting me over, we'll have to do it again." Lainey sits up properly and gives me a one arm hug before standing up.


I knock on the Way's front door, praying that Gerard is home. The door opens and Gerard stands on the other side, smiling at me. "Hey Gina, you alright?"

"Lainey is going to ask Mikey out." I say quietly, unsure if Mikey is able to hear me. Gerard grabs my hand and pulls me inside, shutting the door behind me, and leading me to the living room where I see Mikey, Ray and Frank sitting on the couches.

"I'll be in my room." He announces before walking away, pulling me along.

Mikey's POV
"What was that?" Ray asks, glancing down the corridor that Gina and Gerard disappeared down.

"I have no clue, but it's been going on for the past week." I tell them.

"Do you think they're together?" Frank asks and I shake my head.

"No. Gerard knows I like her, and Gina..." I think back to our kiss, "she wouldn't."

"So you do like Gina?" Frank grins, making me realise this is the first time I've said it aloud.

"You need to ask her out, or at least tell her." Ray says before I get a chance to respond.

"What? Why?"

Frank and Ray share a look, "you're an idiot." Frank sighs, standing up with Ray quickly following.

"Come with us." Ray says, waving me along.


We stand outside Gerard's bedroom door, trying to hear what they're saying. Gina's laugh interrupts Gerard's muffled voice. "Stop!" She laughs, loud enough for us to hear. Their voices once again become muffled.

"Can we just go?" I ask, turning around and walking away from the door. We start walking down the stairs when a loud string of moans comes from Gerard's room, before Frank and Ray can stop me I dash back up the stairs and start banging my fist on Gerard's door.

Gina's POV
Gerard and I sit across from each other on Gerard's bed, "what do I do about Lainey?" I ask him.

"Well, the way I see it you have three options." Gerard tells me, "you could tell Mikey and, or Lainey that you like Mikey. Two, you could sabotage it. Or three, say nothing and hope they don't end up together."

I think over Gerard's suggestions, "I'm not going to sabotage it." I tell him, "but... I can't tell him." I sigh.

Gerard nods understandingly. "You sure though? I mean, you two could end up married... then you'd be Mrs Gina Way." Gerard grins, making me smile. He stands up and starts walking around his room, pretending to be walking down the aisle, singing Mrs Gina Way over and over to the tune of 'here comes the bride'.

"Stop!" I laugh, rolling my eyes at him.

Gerard shushes me, pointing to the door. "I think someone is out there." He says in a low voice, sitting on the edge of his bed, next to me. Surely enough, I begin to hear voices, it's only one at first but as it gets further two more join it.

I look at Gerard, who is now grinning, "what are you going to do?" I sigh seeing the mischievous glint in his eyes.

Gerard begins moaning, only one at first but he quickly does more. A loud knock on the door makes Gerard abruptly stop, "answer the door, but don't let them see inside!" He whispers to me, moving further back onto the bed.

I stand up and walk to the door, taking a small breath before opening it so you can't see past my shoulder. Mikey stands outside the door, Ray and Frank standing a few steps behind him. "What... what's going on in there, Gina?" Frank asks.

"Oh, uhm, Gerard was just fucking around." I shrug, seeing the disbelief on their faces.

"Fucking around, or fucking around?" Frank asks, making Ray slap his shoulder.

Unsure what to say, I mumble something that I can't even understand.

"Trust me Frankie, you'll know when I'm fucking around." Gerard jokingly smirks, opening the door wider.

"We were gonna start watching some movies, do you guys wanna join?" Ray asks, trying to change the topic. Mikey turns and walks away, Frank and Gerard following him, a slightly worried look on their faces. I go to walk past Ray but he grabs my arm, stopping me. "You and Gerard aren't... together or anything, right?" He hesitantly asks.

I shake my head, "I don't have feelings like that for Gerard, at all." I tell him and he visibly relaxes.

"Okay, but we still need to talk about this." Ray gives me a stern look before turning away and walking to the stairs.

Sorry for not updating in a while, but I'm back! Hopefully I'll be updating more frequently too.
Anyway, thanks for reading!

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