Chapter 8

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I can't have a crush on Mikey, I haven't had a crush on anyone since year 9! I probably don't actually fancy him, but I'm so unused to someone being as nice to me as Mikey has been so my brain thinks I have a crush him and it'll pass in a couple of days. I decide that's a good enough answer and try to fall asleep.

"So how many relationships have you been in Gina?" Gerard asks after him and the others finish their conversation about ex's. "Um, I've only been in one but it wasn't very serious... More like friends who liked each other" I feel my cheeks heat up as they look at me shocked, "seriously? So you've never kissed anyone, or held hands?" I shake my head, "how?" Mikey asks "I guess I'm not a lot of people's type" I shrug. "Once again, how?" Mikey mutters under his breath, not realising I could hear him. "See you guys on Monday" I say, giving them all a one armed hug. I get a collective 'bye' before I climb into dad's car and we drive away.

*Time skip to Monday because I'm a lazy lil shit*
"Did you bring your sports clothes today?" I ask Mikey. "Yeah, you?" He asks and smiles when I nod, "good." I stick my tongue out at him and he mimics me, making me laugh.
"Okay class, today you'll be doing laps around the oval." The teacher instructs and everyone groans, minus a couple of fit kids who cheer. "Wanna walk it?" Mikey asks and I nod, we decide to jog until we get out of the teacher yelling distance then we'll walk. "Is it weird that I haven't been in a proper relationship with anyone?" I ask as we start jogging, "no. A lot of people don't have a proper relationship till they leave high school." Mikey tells me and I nod, even though I don't actually believe it. We slow down till we end up walking, "so did you have fun on Friday?" Mikey asks, talking about sleeping over at Frank's. "It was the most fun I've ever had." I say in a monotone voice and Mikey laughs softly, making my heart beat faster. "C'mon, we're falling behind" Mikey says and we start jogging again. I try to pretend the light pink that's on my cheeks is because I'm extremely unhealthy and not because I find everything he does a perfect mix of hot and adorable.

When I get out of gym I feel my stomach become uncomfortable. "Fuck." I sigh under my breath, "what?" Mikey asks and I have a small debate in my head on wether or not I should tell him. "I think my periods come..." I whisper and his eyes widen, "oh... Do you have pads?" Mikey's cheeks gain a light pink tinted across them, "yeah. But they're in my locker..." I sigh, knowing it'll be hard to go from my locker to the girl's bathroom without getting blood on my skirt. "I could get them for you?" Mikey offers, "thank you!" I take a permanent marker out of my pocket and write my locker combination on Mikey's hand, "they'll be in a black purse" I tell him and he nods before fast walking away.

I check the time on my phone, 4pm. I forgot how alone you can feel after spending so much time with people. My parents had gone to a wedding that was a couple of miles away and decided to stay there over night, leaving me because they didn't want me to miss out on school tomorrow. I decide to switch on the TV to have some sort of noise. Halfway through whatever baking program I switched to I hear a knock at the door, I mute the tv and slowly walk to the door. I open the door and smile as I see Mikey standing there, "hello." I greet him "hey... Wanna hang out?" I open the door wider and Mikey walks through.

"So why the spontaneous hang out?" I ask, sitting on the couch and tucking my legs under me. "I was bored and you mentioned your parents weren't gonna be here tonight, so I figured you might want someone to hang out with." I smile at Mikey, "okay. What do you want to do?" Mikey grabs my hand and his bag and leads me to my room. "Put on a DVD" Mikey instructs and begins re-arranging my pillows, I look through my DVDs and decide to pick one at random, my hand landing on Hitchikers Gide to the Galaxy. "This one okay?" I ask, and Mikey mumbles a yes. I turn back around and see that Mikey has pulled all of my pillows into the corner of my bed. "Do you have any more sheets?" Mikey asks and I nod before showing him the linen cupboard.

"What do you think?" Mikey asks, showing off the completed blanket fort, he tied a spare sheet to my headboard and tucked the other side of it under my TV. "It's awesome!" I grin, "after you." Mikey says, opening the 'door' and waving me through. "I also brought snacks" Mikey tells me, pulling chocolate out of his bag. "Mikey Way, you're an angel" I grin, "duh. Isn't that obvious?" Mikey jokingly scoffs. Halfway through the movie I begin to feel uncomfortable, I try to adjust the way I'm sitting but Mikey only left us a small place to sit. Mikey must notice because he softly laughs and grabs my waist, pulling me closer. I turn around so I'm facing him and lean my head on his shoulder. "Tell me if you want me to move" I say, "you're fine" he tells me, moving his hand from my waist to my arm.

Thank AmazingJess7 for forcing me to update. Sorry if the editing isn't that great, I'm a little out of practice.
Thanks for reading!

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