Chapter 11

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Also I think I should mention, in this story it's only a quarter or two quarters of the way through the year.

"How did he know you hurt your side?" Mikey repeats himself, his voice slightly louder. "When I was walking home on Tuesday Mitchell pulled me into an ally, he told me to stop interfering with him hurting you guys and I told him I wouldn't... He gave me a week before he would start beating me as well, before he left he pushed me over and kicked me..." I confess. "I told you to stay out of it!" Mikey snaps and Gerard try's to calm him down. The bell goes and I take one last look at them, all arguing, before sprinting to my maths class.

Ray and I make eye contact as he walks in the room, he stops momentarily before walking past me and taking a seat in his original spot on the other side of the room. I blink back tears as he looks at me, slightly worried. "Miss" I give the teacher a note from the school councilor, basically saying that if I feel anxious I'm allowed to leave the class for 10 minutes. "Okay, only sit outside and I'll check on you soon." My feet take me outside and don't stop till I reach the abandoned side of the school. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I feel a small glimpse of hope ignite in my chest when I see who it's from, but that quickly disappears as I read it. Mikey: I think it's for the best if we don't hang out for a while. "Oh..." I say, my voice not seeming to go any louder than a soft whisper. I don't respond to the text, what could I possibly say?

The rest of the day was a blur, I tuned out my classes, my mind only focusing on the random squiggles I draw over my workbooks. It's all your fault. My brain tells me, if you kept your mouth shut none of this would've happened. I wasn't wrong to stand up for my friends though, that's the part I don't understand. "Gina? You okay?" My mum's voice snaps me out of my thoughts, when did I walk home? Didn't I go to the bookstore? I realise mum is waiting for an answer and mumble a yes before dismissing myself to go to my room.

I pull my hood over my head and bury my hands in my pockets. The bell rings as I open the door to the coffee shop, after mumbling my order to the cashier and giving my name I choose a seat in the back of the shop. "Should've brought my earphones" I silently curse. I glance at my phone lying on the table and take a breath before picking it up and typing a text to Mikey, I drop it on the table and rest my chin on the palm of my hand. "Coffee for Gina!" The cashier calls out, making me jump.

Mikey's POV
"Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" No. "Yes, the reason Mitchell threatened her was because she was trying to help us." I answer and they nod.

(Time skip to Saturday night)
I wanted to walk home alone, get some air. On my way past a park I hear people talking and laughing. "You should've seen her face, she was crying." A familiar voice boasts, I can't stop myself from slowing down to properly hear what their talking about. My phone make a small beeping noise and I silently pray the people I'm ears dropping on didn't hear it, Gina: can you at least explain why we can't hang out? Sent on Thursday. Why did I only get a notification for it now? I shove my phone back in my pocket, telling myself I'll message her back when I get back home. "I've always hated her, there's something that just made me want to knock her teeth out... Especially after she started hanging out with those freaks." Are they talking about Gina? "What if she snaps and decides to hurt you? She seems like someone who could kill someone with her bare hands." A third voice questions, "she has anxiety and I've figured out some of her triggers." I take a breath and start walking towards them.

Sorry it's less than 1000 words but for the next chapter to work properly I needed to stop it now. Another chapter will be out tomorrow.
Thanks for reading!

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