The rise of Lady Sparkle ✨

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Poppy is girl who has recently moved to a new city but she isn't sure since she's had a lot of friends and her boyfriend Creek back in her previous home but at least she has her twin brother Peppermint 

Peppy: ok kids were here 

Poppy: woah look at the new house 

Then she went to her new bedroom and chatted on FaceTime with her older sister Viva about the new house 

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Then she went to her new bedroom and chatted on FaceTime with her older sister Viva about the new house 

The next day Poppy and Peppermint started their first day of their new school 

Poppy: *looking for people to befriend* 

Girl: hey are you new here 😄

Poppy: yeah I'm Poppy 

Girl: I'm Prism 

And she quickly bonded with Prism and they became friends then after school as she was walking when she saw a girl with pastel hair wearing a pink dress passed out in the park 

Poppy: 😨 are you ok

Girl: where am I 😨

Poppy: your in Music City 

Girl: so I'm on earth 

Poppy: yes where else are you from 🤨

Then they see a guy with dark blue hair with white ends and sliver eyes in a dark outfit come and create a monster 

People: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Guy: that's right cower before me 😈

Girl: 😨 he must have followed me 

Poppy: who is he 

Girl: that's Power he's one of the most most feared soldiers of Lord Nightmare 

Power: hello there girl hand over Princess Dreamer to me and no one gets hurt 😈

Poppy: never I may have just her but I'm not backing down 

Then Dreamer saw a glow in Poppy's eyes and realized that she had the hero's spirit 

Dreamer: Poppy have this *throws her a trinket*

Poppy: what's this 

Then she was engulfed by a light and she transformed into a superhero 

Then she was engulfed by a light and she transformed into a superhero 

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Power: who do you think you are girl 👿

Poppy: the name is Lady Sparkle and I'm here to stop you 

Power: show me what you got Lady Sparkle 😈

Then Poppy put up a fight and used a sparkle blast to defeat the monster and Power left to see Lord Nightmare 

Poppy: what is going on 

Dreamer: i will explain this you 

Poppy: first I got to get home 

Then Poppy took Dreamer to her house and just explained to her dad that Dreamer was lost and they went to her room 

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