In the Dark Kingdom Nightmare was getting tired of the monsters going and getting defeated by the Dream Force when he gets a idea of making his own team and he called his allies
Nightmare: anyone you got to join my cause Tempest
Tempest: I thought it was time for Dara to join the family business
Dara: hey mom 😒
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Tempest: do not give me that tone young lady 😠
Dara: well I would rather have a normal life not be a super villain
Tempest: well I'm not exactly asking 😡
Dara: fine
Nightmare: excellent 😈 anyone else
Storm: I have my daughter and heir Princess Electra
Electra: hello Lord Nightmare
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Dara: oh great I'm with some spoiled princess 😒
Tempest: Dara 😡
Electra: can you please tell me what earth is like
Dara: fine just know that once on earth you are not going to have servants who cater to your every needs like you're used to in your spoiled pampered life
Tempest: Dara 😡 *hits Dara*
Dara: ow 😣
Tempest: you know I wish you were more like your brother 😡 he does things no questions asked and doesn't have your rotten attitude
Dara: *thinking* but I'm not Shade
Power: well Nightmare I have two candidates one of my soldiers, Kim and some I kidnapped from the Hard Rock Kingdom, Axe
Kim: hey 😒
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Axe: hey losers 😒
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Dara: ok there's no way you can come with us
Axe: what makes you say that 😡
Dara: if you come with us to earth you'll just scare everyone with your face
Axe: well for your information I can make myself look more like a human miss daughter of darkness
Kim: guess come on
Nightmare: now what about the last member
Cager: well I have my son Trapper
Trapper: uh dad are you sure I can do this 😰
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Cager: if you don't then I'll feed you to the monsters want that 😡
Trapper: no sir 😔
Cager: good
Nightmare: now you five were chosen to become the members of the Nightmare Force
Axe: and what's our purpose
Nightmare: you will go to the kingdom known as Earth and destroy the Dream Force