Prism had a secret that her hair color was supposed to be purple and pink but she changed it to purple and white because she thought that Trickee would like her more that way
Prism: *dying her hair again* I wish my morning routine didn't take so long
Coal: why don't you just not dye your hair 🤨
Then they went to school and Prism saw that Dreamer was there dressed like a normal girl
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And later after school Prism saw her cousin Tracy
Tracy: hey prima
Poppy: you're cousins
Tracy and Prism: si 😄😄
Tracy: are you still a animal lover I remember when we were little you bandage your stuffed animals and you eventually transitioned into doing it for your pets
Prism: I'm actually making plans to go to college and study animal care and maybe either start a animal shelter or become a vet
Tracy: and I see you have been dying your hair recently
Poppy: what do you mean
Tracy: you don't know her actual hair color 🤨
Prism: I don't really want anyone to know about my hair color
Tracy: why
Then they see a monster attack
Tracy: what is that 😨
Prism: *thinking* what do I do I can't let her know that I'm Lady Gemstone
Then before it attacked them they were saved by Mister Storm
Tracy: um thanks uh
Mister Storm: it's Mister Storm
Later Tracy went to hide and Poppy and Prism transformed and they defeat the monster with Mister Storm
Tracy: I can't believe you have to deal with this craziness Pris
Prism: yeah
Then they hear someone playing the cello and they saw it was Blair's older brother Bam
Tracy: that was some lovely music
Bam: *blushing* oh how much did you hear 😳
Tracy: enough to know you're talented
Prism: aww 🥰
Poppy: they definitely like each other
Prism: yes
Poppy: so why did you change your hair color
Prism: well I have this crush on Trickee but my classmate Dara says that he wouldn't want to be with a girl with hair like mine so I started dying it so he would like me
Poppy: if he really likes you then he wouldn't mind what color your hair is
It sunk into Prism and the next day she washed off the hair dye revealing the pink in her hair
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At school
Prism: hey Trickee
Trickee: oh hey Prism did you dye your hair
Prism: no this is my real hair color
Trickee: *blushing* it looks really pretty 😍
Prism: *blushing* can I tell you something
Trickee: *blushing* sure
Prism: *blushing* I really like you
Trickee: *bushing* Prism I really like you too
Then the two shared their first kiss together and they became a couple to their friends and siblings happiness