Boom's new friends

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Boom decided hang out with his friends Dario 

Boom: hey Dario 👋😄

Dario: hey Boomer 👋😄

Boom: how's it going 

Dario: ok I don't know Sofia and Chris recently broke up 

Bush: isn't he that guy who always made Sofia feel bad about herself 

Dario: I know she's better off without him but I still feel bad since he was her first boyfriend 

Bush: oh I have some people I want you guys to meet 

Then Trunk, Moss and Florian showed up 

Florian: the hey guys I'm the Florian 

Boom and Dario: 🤨🤨

Bush: that's just how Florian talks 

Trunk: wait Moss do you see who that is 

Moss: no way Bush I didn't know that you knew Prince Boom

Bush: what 

Trunk: how are you still alive Lord Nightmare and Queen Storm told us that you were dead 

Boom: they said what I can assure you that me and my family are alive

Dario: hold on Boom how come you never told me that you were a Prince from another world 

Boom: I didn't know until recently 

Dario: that must be a interesting kingdom to be in I wish I was born there 

Moss: you would if it was under Queen Bloom 

They explained what happened in the Flower Kingdom to Dario with Boom adding his family's side of the story 

Dario: that's a lot I'm sure my parents would come here if that happened to us 

Boom: yeah but I hope my aunt Carla is safe because she wanted to stay with my uncle Tim 

In the Flower Kingdom Carla had to see Tim imprison their two children Lexie and Cyclone

In the Flower Kingdom Carla had to see Tim imprison their two children Lexie and Cyclone

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