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7 years ago in a small town there were three siblings two who were twins were 3 years old while their younger brother was a year old and they were currently homeless with their father leaving a year prior and their mother making the decision to leave them out on the streets

Girl: do you think we'll be ok Trickery

Baby: 🥺

Trickery: I don't know it's been two weeks and finding food for all three of us is hard Layla especially for little Caleb 

Caleb: 😭

Then they saw a portal open 

Layla: what's that 

Trickery: I don't know 

Then they see a group of criminals looking for stuff 

Trickery: who are you 😠

Leader: the names Silver and and shouldn't you be getting home to your parents 

Trickery: I don't have any 

Silver: if you want I can take you under my wing 

Trickery: only under the condition that my brother and sister can come as well 

Silver: fine I'll see if there's a use for them 

Trickery: what's my use 

Silver: under my guidance you'll be one of the most feared soldiers ever 

Then Trickery got Layla and Caleb and left with Silver to begin their training 

Seven years later 

Trickery: *catching his breath* 

Trickery: *catching his breath* 

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Caleb: hey Trickery 

Trickery: hey Caleb 

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Trickery: hey Caleb 

Caleb: how are you feeling 

Trickery: a little dizzy but I'll be fine a good solider pushes through any issues 

Caleb: ok 

Layla: hey Trickery you're finished training 

Layla: hey Trickery you're finished training 

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Trickery: yeah I'm on my 5 minute break 

Layla: you and Caleb are lucky that you get to become soldiers for Silver someday 

Silver: Leia get back to your chores 

Layla: um actually my name is Layla 

Silver: are you talking back to me 😡

Layla: I'm sorry for talking back sir 😔

Silver: get back to work 😡

Layla: yes Silver *goes back to dusting the furniture* 

Trickery: what's going on Silver 

Silver: I have decided that you are old enough to join me in my conquest 

Trickery: really 

Silver: yep I hope I had taught you well 

Trickery: I promise I won't let you down Silver where are we going 

Silver: to the Dewdrop Kingdom I'm going to take it's throne and I will be able to join Nightmare's team 

Trickery: what am I going to do 

Silver: you will capture the royal children the most important one you should get is Princess Charlotte

Trickery: why Princess Charlotte 

Silver: because she will be the next Queen one day and I know that the king and queen will do anything for their children 

Trickery: ok Silver 

Silver: excellent Trickery I raised you to be the best 

Then Trickery heads back into his training hoping to be prepared for the invasion of the Dewdrop Kingdom 

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